Book Title: Epigraphia Indica Vol 01
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Archaeological Survey of India

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Page 189
________________ 164 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. O As regards the treatment of nouns in general, case-terminations have often been altogether omitted; sometimes wrong cases have been employed, masculine words treated as if they were neuter, and masculine or neuter forms of adjectives and pronouns used with reference to feminine nouns, etc. Thus, to give a few examples, instead of the wellknown phrase परिपन्धनां करोति, we read fifteen times परिपन्धना करोति (e.g., in lines 8, 9, 16, etc.); and similarly far fa, lines 13 and 20; ufurar afa, line 17; परिपन्यनाखवा करोति, lines 6 and 15; and खश्रावाधा ददाति, line 39. In line 3 we find प्रतिष्ठापित, qualifying नारायणभट्टारकस्य, which is separated from it by other inflected words ; in line 4 वावण (for वावणी) गोंदासुतः ; in line 39 सिरिधर (for श्रीधरस्य) महादित्यसुतस्य ; in line 16 अवलिप्त (for अवलिप्तौ) उवटकसहितौ ' The words अधिकार, आघाट, पाद, भाग, हस्त are used as neuters in lines 34; 7, 12, 13, etc.; 6; 24, 29, 30; 26. In line 9 we have the Nominative for the Instrumental ; in line 34 the Accusative at for the Nominative •समेता; in lines 32, 33, 38, 14, 22, अस्य and अमीषाम् for the feminine forms अस्याः and अमूषाम् or आसाम् The final visarga of certain case-terminations has completely disappeared, e.g., in our, lines 6, 15, 16, etc., and in, lines 20, 25, 0 31. An extraordinary construction of the cardinal numerals, which I have already pointed out in other inscriptions, is illustrated by युगैकं, line 20, सहस्रकं, line 28, पादैकं and ट्रम्पैकं, line 37,, line 16, and two houses,' line 24. And, speaking of numerals, attention may be drawn here to the three different expressions in line 6, in lines 15, 16, 18, and tor : in lines 10, 27, 30; and to the strange संवत्सरसतेषु नवसत (ie, नवशत, for नवसु), meant to denote ‘nine hundred years,' in lines 2, 5, 8, and 11. The number of finite verbal forms employed is, as might have been expected in a record of the Middle Ages, small; and among them, I need point out only faufa, used in a passive sense, in lines 6, 10, 15, etc. Among the verbal derivatives, there occur the wrong Gerunds लक्ष्य, line 6; उपर्ज्जयित्वा, line 17, क्रयित्वा, line 25 (for क्रीत्वा, lines 9, 10, 19), ana, lines 29, 30, and 33, and far, line 38; with the last of which may be compared the primary nouns q in lines 11 and 37, and 1 in line 38. And anomalously used is the Gerund मिलित्वा in the phrase समस्तलोकानां मिलित्वा in line 26, apparently meaning 'before all the people assembled.' Of frequent occurrence is , which thirteen times may be considered a secondary suffix conveying a possessive sense or expressing the meaning of a Genitive case; e.g., in सीडोषिसत्तमपिकायां, line 6, वामनसकवीची line 12, चासावासनिका line 32, and fasurare, line 9 (-faurea, line 24); while twice it is, exceptionally, like an independent word, construed with a preceding Genitive, in, line 9, and eugenereret www.rurguft, line 19. Under the head of compounds, I may point out the violation of an elementary rule of grammar, in महदमी हेतो:, line 8, महद्दार्थहेतो, line 20, महन्तधर्म्मार्थहेतो or • हेतोः in lines 25 and 28, and feat or at: in lines 11, 29, 31, and 33; the use of phrases like fei प्रति, line 6, for प्रतिदिनं (actually used in lines 6, 10, and 28), and मासान्मासं, line 20, or fa, lines 29 and 37, instead of fare (line 45); and the employment of the Nominative cases in passages such as सूत्रधारजेजपस्तथा विसिचाकस्तथा भलुआाकस्तथा I.e., one case-termination suffices for several nouns, as it already does, occasionally, in the Rigveda. In aferar fear line 4, we seem to have Apabhramsa Nominative cases; see Ind. Ant., vol. XVI, P. 207.


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