remarks of historical importance or of more general interest, which may be incidentally furnished by these deeds,-considering the great length of the inscription, they are disappointingly few,- will be treated of below.
Abstract of the contents of the first part of the inscription (lines 1–39).
1. [Lines 1–4]: Samvat 960, Sråvaņa (in words and figures). The whole town gave a field measuring 200 by 225 hastas to SM-Nård yaņa-bhattaraka, set up by the merchant Chanduka, the son of Sangata, in the southern part of the town.
2. [
47]: Saṁvat 964, Märgasira va.di. 3 (in words and figures). The Mahá. sámantadhipati Undabhata assigned an endowment, securing the daily payment of a quarter of a pañchiyakadramma and of one yugá (?) to Sri Vishņu-bhattaraka, set up by Chanduka.
3. [7–8]: The same date. The merchants Chanduka, Savasa, and Mahapa, sons of Skógata, gave an adásaniká (or residence) comprising four houses to Sri-Vishņubhattáraka, set up by Chanduka, the son of Sangata.
4. [8—10]: Samvat 965, Âbvina su.di. 1 (in toords and figures). The merchant Nagaka, son of Chandd, made an endowment acquired of certain potters, to the effect that the distillers of spirituous liquor, on every cask of liquor, were to give liquor worth half a digrahapaladramma (?) to the god (Vishņu).
5. [10]: The merchant Nagaka, son of Chåndû, assigned (an endowment securing) the daily payment by certain sugar-boilers of a varáhakayavinsopaka (?).
6. (11-13]: Samvat 967, Phâlguna va.di. 15 (in words and figures). The merchant Vasudeva gave (an avdsaniká ?) in the Dosihatta to Sri-Vishņu-bhattaraka, set up by Vasudeva near (?) the Sri-Vishņu-bhattaraka set up by Chaņdůka; and a house of his own, to the (same) god, (for the worship of the sacred fire).
7. (13-16]: The merchant Chaņdůka gave & vitht (or shop) in the Prasan. nahatta; and the same Chanduka, son of Sangata, gave four hereditary víthis of his own to Sri-Vishnu-bhattaraka.
8. [15—16]: The seller of betel Keśava, son of Vatesvara, gave a hereditary ofth of his own in the Chaturbatta to fri-Vishņu-bhattaraka, set up by Chanda.
9. (16-17): The merchant Nagaka, son of Chåndı, gave two ofth's, acquired in the Dosibatta, to Sri Vishņu-bhattaraka.
10. [17-18]: The merchant 8110ka, son of Mahapa, gave a oithe acquired by him to Sri-Narayana-bbațţăraka.
11. (18—20): Samvat 969, Magha su.di. (in words and figures). The mer. chant Nagaka, son of Chånd, gave & capital of 1,850 brimadadivardhadrammas, invested with the distillers of spirituous liquor, who were to pay every month half a pigrahaturgiyadramma on every cask of liquor () to Sri Vishnu-bhattaraka.
12. (20—21): The merchant Nagaka, son of Ohåndd, gave an endowment realizing & payment of two kapardakas on certain yugds in the Dosihatta (?).
18. (91-22] : Nagaka gave a dithi acquired in the Dosihaţta to Sri-Narayanabhattaraka.
14. (22-28]: Nagaka, son of Chåndd, gave three otthie of his own to SriNarayana-bhattaraka.