15. [23-24]: The merchant Bhâila, son of Govinda, gave a hereditary withi (realizing one-third of a vigrahapállyadramma ?) to Sri-Vamanasvámideva.
16. [24-25]: Någåka gave two houses to Tribhuvanas vâmideva.
17. [25-26]: The seller of betel Dhamaka gave an uvataka bought by him to Sri-Umâmahesvara.
18. [26-27]: Samvat 994, Vaisakha va.di. 5 samkrântau. The sellers of betel, Savara, son of Kesava, and Madhava, son of Ichcht, gave an endowment realizing the payment of a vigrahadrammavisovaka on every páliká of leaves to the god (Vishnu), set up by Chandaks.
19. [27] Sâvasa gave a vithi to Tribhuvana svâmideva.
20. [27-28]: Någåka gave a palika of oil from every oil-mill of the oil-makers (?). The 21. [28-29]: Samvat 1005, Magha śu.di. 5 (in words and figures). Mahajans in the Dosihatța assigned a monthly payment of one-third of a dramma to Sri-Bhailas vâmideva, set up by the merchant Vikrama.
22. [29-30]: The Sutradhara Jejapa, Visiâka, Bhaluâka, and other stonecutters, assigned a payment of one-third of a vigrahapaladramma on every bharana to Sri-Vishnu-bhattaraka.
23. [30-31]: Sathvat 1008, Magha fu.di. 11 (in figures, only). Kelava, Durgaditya, and other oil-makers, gave a palikd of oil from every oil-mill to Sri-Chakrasvâmideva, set up by Purandara in the temple of Vishnu erected by Chandu.
24. [31-33] The merchants Mahâditya and Nohala, sons of Pappâ, gave an ardaanikd, comprising three houses, to Sri-Chakrasvamideva, set up by Pappáka, the son of Dedada.
25. [33-34]: Samhrat 991, Magha fu.di. 10 (in figures). Naghka, son of Chanda, Dedaika, Vali, and Rudaka, sons of Jâjú, and Chhitarâka, son of Sava, gave an avásaniká with the houses and vithts belonging to it to the god (Vishnu).
26. [34-36]: Dedaika, Vâlika and Rudaka, sons of Jájú, gave a vithi in the Chatushkahatta to Sri-Vishnu-bhattáraka, set up by Chanda.
27. [36-39]: Samvat 1025, Magha va.di. 9 (in figures). The merchant Sridhara, son of MahAditya, assigned a quarter of a frimadádivardhadramma, paid as the rent of a M (7) to Sri-Vishnu-bhattáraka, set up by Mabiditys in the temple of Vishnu erected by Chânḍu.
From the above abstract it will appear that most of the donations recorded here were made in favour of the god Vishnu, under the names of Vishnu-bhatțâraka, Narayana-bhatțâraka, Vâmanasvâmideva, and Chakras vâmideva. The same divinity I understand to be denoted by the name Tribhuvanas vâmideva. But besides him, we find among the donees also Umâmaheśvara, clearly a form of the god Siva, and Bhailas vâmideva, a name which in a fragmentary inscription from Bhilsa, mentioned by Dr. Hall in the Journ. Beng. As. Soc., vol. XXXI, p. 112, is distinctly given as a designation of Ravi, 'the Sun.""
In connection with the objects of donation, attention may be drawn to the various names of coins mentioned in the inscription, which are as follows: Dramma, line 29;
7 Compare also Ind. Ant., vol. XVI, p. 202.-Vishnu bears the name Vaillabhaffasvdmin in the Gwalior inscription, edited by Dr. Hultzsch, ante, p. 154.-In the present inscription, I would draw attention to the name Si-4[mbalohideri, which occurs in line 35, and which may denote a divinity. [Possibly the god Bhail as vámin was named after the merchaut Bhaila (line 23), who might have been the father of the merchant Vikrama (line 29), who founded the temple.-E. H.]