description of the pure virtues of illustrious Lallah, glitters in the hearts of the learned like a string of pearls.
36. And this (eulogy) has been written by the son of Vishnu hari, a Gauda clerk, called TakshAditya, who knows crooked letters.
37. And it has been incised by somanatha, the son of Kamadeva, who came from Kanyakubja and is experienced in (work performed with) the chisel.
One thousand years, 1049, Marga, dark half 7, on a Thursday.
By E. HULTZSCH, Ph.D. Like the Rashtrakața grant published above, the original of the subjoined grant was found at Kapadvaņaj in Gujarat. The document is inscribed on the inner sides of two copper-plates with raised rims. Each plate measures 1' 8" by 104". The righthand ring has been lost. The left-hand ring, which bears the seal, is of irregular shape and about thick. The oval seal measures 2" by 21' and bears-in relief, on a countersunk surface a seated bull facing the left and below it the legend situzu:. Both the plates and the seal are in a state of almost perfect preservation.
The grant is dated “from the victorious camp pitched at Siri.Simmiņika," which looks like a Prakrit name. The inscription gives the usual genealogy down to Dhru. vasena III. and records that the latter granted the village of Pattapadraka, which Was situated in the Dakshiņa-patta of the Sivabhagapura-vishaya,' to the Bråh. maņa Bbațţibhața, the son of Bappa, a native, inhabitant and chaturvedin of Mahichhaka, who belonged to the Kausika-gotra and studied the Vdjasaneya-ldkha. The name Mabich haka, which occurs twice in the grant, seems to be a later correction in somewhat different characters. The dataka was the pramåtri Naga,' and the docu. ment was written by the chief secretary (divirapati) Anahila,' the son of the chief secretary Skandabhata, who was "charged with peace and war" (sardhivigrahá. dhikrita). The date of the grant was the 9th day of the bright half of Magha of [Gupla.] Sarvat 834 or 653-54 A.D.
I am unable to render the pun in hridaye, which, if referred to the string of pearls, means on the heart' oron the breast;' if referred to the verses in the heart' or 'in the mind.'
Karapika clerk,' .. Kayastba, is derived from karapa, which means both a written document' (see the Petersburg Didub vac) and Government office. The latter meaning may be gathered from Hemachaodna's commentary on his Yogafdstra, III, 127 : fem i frafafari TT-TT TETT Travel Trafnfecreefafa
1 Ante, p. 62. Ind. Ant., vol. VII, p. 76. Ind. Ant., vol. VII, p. 79, where the reading of the facsimile is far, not In the transcript has it Ind. Ant., vol. VII, p. 76, and vol. XI, p. 806. Ind. Ant., vol. 1, pp. 17, 45., and vol. VII, p. 78.
According to Professor Böbler (Ind. Ant., vol. XV, p. 887, bote 10, and vol. XVII, p. 197, note 50), an unpublished grant of Dhramona III. in dated in Samvat 838. The reign of DhruvAOD III. is limited by the latest date of bis predecessor Dharus IV. (930) and by the date of his successor Khangrabs II. (837).