________________ maksara). Those who do not have the access to it, only have perishable prosperity alternating with misery. The desirous of freedom even cast away the joy of kingdom, if he is capable to understand. The unwary notwithstanding the attainment of worldly pleasures still hanker for them. The aim of this tantra is achievement of incessant bliss. For its attainment a most capable mind must be developed. The Supreme thrust of the Kalacakra is ultimate wisdom (prajna) which is immaculate and perfect. The owner of such pure mind has all the inherent defilements burnt within, what remains still ablaze is the luminosity (prabhasvartvam). Therefore, such a pure mind is to be cultivated by constant constraint up on our activities. That is the method of the Vajrapada. Physical body does have a unique part in developing the mind. There are special minds grown perfect by the esoteric method-meditation as the best of these which develops the insight. Just as we do not see fire exist in wood but that which is produced by rubbing the aranis with the hands, in a similar way the essential (pure) mind can open up by unifying the psychic nerves Lalana (Prajna) and Rasana (Upaya) culminating into the effulgent Vajrapada, Since Kala is great bliss, the Skandhas, dhatus and ayatanas mark "cakra" (wheel) in the body of their inception into it. The yogi perceives all these in his own body. We find special practices of utpanna and sampanna krama, In the former Kriya, Carya and yoga are envisaged and the iatter jesticulates state of prajna alongwith mahamudra. The mahamudra yoga is verily, the objective of the Kalacakra Siddhanta. The commentator of Vimalaprabha calls it the order of Kalacakra, a superior and much subtler order. This varies from the Virakrama and Svadhisthana Krama. Buddha discoursed on a unified method of prajnopayatmaka yoga, where the term yoga does not mean simply method or wisdom but both together, a : . basic concept known as the Buddha Vacana. "Yogo nopayakayena naikaya Prajnayaya bhavet/ Prajnopayasamapattiryoga uktastathagataih|/ (V. P., P. 18) In Conclusion "Ato yasmin tantre prajnopayatmako-abhidheyo bhavati, na tattantram prajnatantram nopaya tantram paramarthatah. Lokasamvrtya dasa inanadibhedena dhatuskandhavisuddhitah, prajiopayapaksa ukto mtdusatvasaya-vasat tathagateneti .... tasmat prajnopayatmakam tantram yogatantram niranvayam kalacakram paramartha satyatah". (VP. P. 18). The wisdom of Kalacakra Tantra may be further known from the inclusion in it of Vajrapada which is of the nature of two truths, empiricism ( xxv )