________________ sanvati to the north of the Sita knowing them to be pure in thought. For simplification of the tantra Tathagata enjoined up on Manjusri to put the tantra in 12,000 Slokas in the form of laghutantra. For the initiation in Vajra Kula and the object of synthesising (Ekakalka) the people of diverse castes Sucandra yasa became known as kalki. By the same process by which Kalki came up on earth, Pundarika became the second Kalki. There had been, thus, a whole lineage of Kalki of the Vajrakula who preached the good law. We may recall some of them to be as Candra, Suresvara, Teji, Somadatta, Suresvara, Visyamurti. Suresan, Yasah, Pundarika, Suryaprabha, Sucandra, Ksitigarbha, Yamantaka, Jambhaka Manaka, Khagarbha, Lokanatha, Yamadi, Dasakrodha who had physical emanations and who showed the Buddha's path. There had been, thus, 13 Kalkis, foremost of whom were Yasa, Pundarika, Bhadrakalki, Rakatapani, Visnugupta and Arkakirti. These names while evoking mystery are to be historically investigated. Language Analysis : The Vimalaprabha has tacit views on language. It is a commonplace experience that the usual tantrika texts are deep in meaning but imperfect in syntax and grammar. More especially, the Buddhists have from the beginning been philosophers and seldom etymologists. The Vimalaprabha exegesists have totally rejected the efficacy of rhetorical techniques. "Yena yena prakarena satvanam Paripacanam, . Tena Tena prakarena kuryad dharmasya desanam Yogisabdopasabdena dharmam glhnati yatnatah, Desasabdena labdhe' rthe sastrasabdena tatra kim || So, in prose also : "Some terms have corrupt words that are vague, some are definitely mistakes of some kind, some have consonantal or vowel lapses, some have wrong morphology, some have long for short and some short for long, in declension, some terms use the locative (saptami) for ablative (pancami), sasthi (genetive) for dative (caturthi), some verbs are in the atmanepada which should have been used as in the parasmaipada, some singulars are in plurals, some plurals in singulars, there are examples of neuter used for masculine and the masculine in place of neuter genders, sibilants are seen interchangeably used defying their character". Such instances are so common that they even after the textual restoration obtrude on the grammarian. Madra-Yoga While conceding the various esoteric stages we come to the invincible principles of unification (mudra-yoga). As ultimate realisation it is comprehended as intuitive wisdom, Prajna-jnana, Mahamudra, Caturtha Para ( xxiv)