________________ The Crttical Apparatus : The six manuscripts utilised in the editing of Vimalaprabha Tika with the original Sri-Laghukalacakra-tantra-raja are designated as Ka, Kha, Ga, Gha, Na and Ca and the variants have been provided from them. Besides the Tibetan translation of the Vimalaprabha Tika has also been used and its important readings with Sanskrit equivalents provided and this has been designated as Bho. The Tibetan text used is of the sDe dGe edition publshed recently by Dharma Publications. In the margin of the pages T stands for this Tibetan text and the page number provided by its side indicates that it starts from the word existing in that line. A brief descriptive note concerning the above mentioned six Sanskrit manuscripts of Vimalaprabha Tika is given herewith : Ka (*) MS.-The manuscript is preserved with Pandit Divya Vajra Vajracharya of Kathamandu, Nepal. The entire Tika (up to the fourth Patala) has been reconstructed from this manuscript. The manuscript has been scribed on Nepalese paper and consists of 332 pages. It is in the Devanagari Script. Here the commentary is available up to the fourth chapter only and the fifth chapter contains only the original verses. The first chapter contains commentary upto the 94th verse only. A special feature of this MS is that the original verses are followed by the commentary from the very beginning. In other manuscripts we do not find the verses, and only the commentary is given. While editing the text a coherence has been sought to make the verse compatible with the commentary. Kha (a) MS-The manuscript is preserved with Pandit Asha Kaji Vajracharya of Patna, Nepal. A microfilm copy of the manuscript was prepared at the instance of the Nepal German Manuscript Preservation Project on 13th August, 1978. The microfilm Reel (No. E 618/5, Running No. E. 13746) is preserved in National Archives, Nepal. There are 325 folios in total scribed on Nepalese paper in the format of 23.8 x 12.7 cm. with 9 lines on each page. The manuscript is in Newari-compounded Devanagari Script. The commentary available in this manuscript is up to the fourth chapter only. The commentary of the fifth chapter and its original verses are inextant. This manuscript, too, contains the commentary up to 94th verse of the first chapter only. Ga (6) MS.--Palm Leaf manuscript, in the National Archives. Kathmandu, Nepal; C. No. 5-240 Script-Newari V. No. 9 Size-48 x 5.5 cm. Subject-Buddhist Tantra Lines-6 ( xxix )