MAROE, 1904.
Fol. 62. won Soon after caused bloody Civil warrs in Hindostan.
Fol. 63. Moh-barock-bad, Hazarot, Salamet, El-hamd-al-ellah, viz! God Save your Majestie, you have Obtained the Victorie, why Stay yo longer Upon your Elephant, in y! name of God come downe, he hath made yg the great Kinge of indostan(!!).
Fol. 77. The Elephants of Ceylone are best Esteemed here and all Hindosten over.
Fol. 84. Most Mahometans &c: of accompt in Hindostan Vse them [Gonges] at theire doors in y! Street where they have generally a Porch built ... The English and Datoh have them at y! Gates of all there jnland ffactories : in this Kingdome and Others in Hindostan: Veritieinge yOld Proverbe: Cum fueris Romæ, &c:
Fol. 97. Pattana : A Very large and potent Kingdome, but longe Since become tributarie to y! Emperours of Hindostan (or great Mogol).
See Yule, s. v. Hindostan. (Yale's earliest quotation in the restricted sense of the text is 1803.]
HINDOSTANEE. Fol. 35. y? Hindosten ore Moors Languadge.
Fol. 41. fancyinge himselfe to be at y! Gates of the Pallace at Agra, Singeinge to that purpose in y. Hindostan Languadge. See Yule, 8. v. Hindostanee.
HOBSON-JOBSON. Fol. 54. Of a great Giant called Janss Bainsa. ....They place him in a great Chaire made for y. Same parpobe runninge V pon 4 Wheels for yo Easier drawinge of him through y! towne, he is called Tanga Bainsah: made of pasteboard leather &c: Stuffed wo Straw and Other Combustible ingredients ; covered w blew cloth, his head and face painted with Redd and White, Severall Resbutes and Others danceinge Round him with great drawne Swords, after y manner of fenceinge, callinge Vpon him by his Name, wo many torobes flaggs, Pipes and drams, and in this Posture he is drawne through the Principall Streets of yo towne (Golcondah), They borne bim to dust in the Open Street about y! 12 houre in y: night,
See Yale, 8. v. Hobson-Jobson. There is, however, a doubt as to the ceremony in the text relating really to the much corrupted ceremony of the Maharram, though it might well be so.)
HOOGLY. Fol. 73, he wold Every yeare Send downe to y: Merchants in Hugly.
Fol. 74. One of y! most admirable of web arms (of the Ganges] is y! Hugly riuer... This Riuer is soe named from y! great towne of Hugly Scituated Vpon y! banks of it neare 150 miles up from y! Braces or Shoals that lye at y Entrance thereof.... The English fractory here in Hugly is yo head or Chiefe ffactory in the 3 beforementioned Kingdoins and the residence of y! Chiefe in Place.
Fol. 75. in very place where y! Dutch factory stood wee ride with our Ships and Vessels in noe lesse then depth 16 fathoms and it is called ugly hole.
See Yule, s. v. Hoogty. [The quotations are valuable, and the Bagly Hole, though it exists, is not mentioned in Yule.)
HOOKA. Fol. 45. Often Smoakeinge their Hocars as they call (them) of tobacco. Fol. 46. Hoocar or hubble-bubblo. See Yule, 8. o. Hooka, where earliest quotation is, however, 1768. .