APRIL, 1904.)
Dakni. - A female evil spirit. Also called churel. Jogt, s. m., fem jogan. The form jögn# (fem.) Dålel. Scented articles sprinkled on a corpse . expresses abhorrence or anger, and it also before burial, by Muhammadans.
means a goddess, countless evils, such as sick. D80-kaj. - Re-marriage with the wife after the mess and evil-fortune, being termed jôgni.
birth of the first son of the marriage.. Junj. - Eatables distributed among the brotherDewen Dhamat.-Ancestor-worship, among
hood and to the poor at a wedding, by Hindus. Hindus, at a wedding, to implore their protec- (Dera Ghazi Khan.) tion of bride and bridegroom. (Dert Ghaz KAj. - (1) A feast given to Brihmans and memKhån). Cf. dhamd.
bers of the caste on the death of an aged memDhagi. -A thread of black wool tied round a limb
ber of the family. Also called karni and in near a sore, after it has been breathed upon by
villages méla (2) A wedding, of. déo-kaj. u maniwho also recibes a secret cbart over it.
KA-ginętra. - The fixing by the brotherhood of Dhama. - A feast given to Brahmans in the
the dates for the various rites at a wedding,
among Hindus. (Dera Ghazi Khan.) name of deceased ancestors. (Dera Ghazł Kban.)
Kanji. - A ceremony performed in the 7th or Dhawana. - The bathing on the 3rd day after
9th month of the first pregnancy. Also called a death among Muhammadans, performed by
bhord. (Dera Ghazt Khân.) the deceased's family. (Dera Ghazi Khán.)
Karni. -(1) See under kaj. (2) An assembly Dhant - See dhunrd. Dhúní also means the
of the brotherhood on tbe 13th day after death, things, such as chillies, burnt before a person
when water is thrown on a cow's tail. (Deri possessed by an evil-spirit, to expel the spirit.
Ghazi Khân.) Also a place where fire is kept burning night
Kartat. - A spell. Equivalent to låg, q. ., and and day. Sadhús and faqfrs keep a fire burn
jádu, q. o. ing at a fixed spot in order to extort charity.
Kuprt. -- A sweet kind of bread given to Dhunra. - A heap of ushes. Certain orders of
daughter soon after her marriage, among faqers accustom themşelves to remain near a
Hindus. It is called brusri by Muhammadans. fire as a penance. This tire is called in Panjabi
(Der, Ghazi Khôn.) dhand or dhunt, and the followers of a faqer
Lag-Something given to an enemy to eat which are said to belong to his dhånd.
causes his sickness or death. Also called kartat. Dharia. - The playing in the dust on the last Lapan. -Sweetmeats and clothes given by day of the Holi.
women to brotherhood at weddings, among Fatla. - The popular inversed form of palltá,
Hindus. (Dera Ghazi Khân.) 2.1. in Multani Glossary, p. 50.
Lola. - A small, thick loaf, fried in ghi, made Ganda. - An enchanted thread worn round the
on certain festivals. (Deri Ghazi Khân.) neck or waist to remove disease or other evil. Lohrt, - Worshipping of fire on the last evening Gandha. - Lit., knotted. Dealings at marriages
of the month of Pôh. (Dera Ghazi Khan.) and other ceremonies. (Derå Gb&zi Khan.)
Maha Nandi. - A Hindu festival. (Ders Ghar Gaudhor.-The dust thrown up by the passage Khan.)
of cows at the Gôpashtami festival. It is con- Man. - Coarse bread, cooked on a fire of dry sidered sacred by Hindus. (Dera Ghazi Khan.)
cowdung and made of atd, gur and ght. It is Ghört. - Lit., mare. During the night of the used at Hindu festivals. (Dera Ghazi Khen.)
wedding the boy must ride a mare. He then Mandha. -The ceremony of hanging a piece of becomes a bridegroom. This is called the cloth over the place where the marriage cereghort by rasm or mare's custom.
mony is to take place. (Cf. mandhnd, to cover.) Haldat - The ceremony of cleansing the body Mashki. - Lit., & Water-carrier. A lab food given
of the bride or bridegroom with haldi or tur- to a cow on the 13th day after a death, and on meric. (P from hald- and hath, hand.) Also the date of the death according to the moon in called han.
each month, among Hindus. (Dera Ghazi Khân.) Han. Equivalent to haldat, q.,
Mela. - See under kuj. Handa. - Bread given to a Brahman
Mokh: - Lit., price. During the funeral cereHom.- Cooked rice and milk offered to Dêvi. monies the deceased's heirs should give furni
Also a ceremony for, propitiating the gods. ture and clothes to an Achary& Brahman to (Ders Ghazi Khân.)
convey to the dead person in the next world, Hiw&u. - A coffin of extraordinary size.
but when the donors are too poor or stingy. Jada. -- A spell. Also called kartat.
the AchArya supplies all the articles for a small Jang'unt. - See sund'únt..
Bum, mókh, agreed upon, on bire, to make it Jhand. The ceremony or rite of having appear that the articles have been actually
a child's bead for the first time. It is usually purchased and given to him. performed at shrine or' temple with various Mundan. The ceremony of outting a child's hair observances.
for the first time. Equivalent to piry@jan, q.v. Jindropt. -The ceremony of grinding wheat at xath. - Múth mdrnd is 'to send an evil-spirit marriages, among Hindus.. cf. chung.
to kill an enemy.'