Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 33
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 362
________________ 336 INDEX. Ayimaha Yaksaya, Singh. demon * .58 Bana, writer, 166, 167; - about 620 A. D., ayiya, elder brother, Singh. ... ... 143 n. App. 1; and the Vasapadatta, 82; -menAyu Mitra, Ayya, Kushåna k., coins of, at tions king Harsha's seal, 96; -a pusta Gopalpur, 176 ... ... ... ... ... 175 ka-odchaka or particular reader ... ... 99 Ayya Avaļ, Sridharavenkatesa... ... ... 187 Banânâ leaves used in schools ... App. 95 ayyakena, in Kanberi inscrip. ... ... App. 30 Banastava of Ramabhadra-Dikshita ... 137, 141 Azilises' coins .. ... ... .. App. 28 Banavåsitor Vaijayanti, tn., App. 30; the Kadambas .. Bangash, tribe ... .. .. bangha, an intoxicant ... Banjans or Gentues ... Babal (Acacia arabica) used in tattooing ... 220 | Banjâras and tattooing Babylon and Indian traders, App. 16; - and banjhára beta (Mandi) = chaukandú Kharoshthi writing ... ... .. ... 19 Banquala ... .. * * Babylonian seals ... ... App. 20, 22 Banskhera plate of Harsha ... ... Bactrian coins found in India, 217, 218; - baori, a well, as a tattoo-mark ... "gures and Indian symbols . App.'82 B&pdêr of Kadapa, a godling ... ... badal vanassa, club moss, Singh. ... ... 231 bara, armlet, tattoo figure ... 238, 281, 288 Badami representations of the god Brahma, Barabar caves, App. 32 n.;- inscrips., 34; App. 1, -or Vatapi and the Chalukyas, *** . . ... ... 36 65, 67; - inscriptions of Kirtivarman barádar ... .. ... ... .. .. 32 I. ... ... ... ... ... 66, 70, 72 Barah, g. ... ... ... ... ... ... 299 Baddrakáli, g., Singh. ... ... ... 60 Bardh Kalån, vil, in Safidon, 299 ;-BarahBadni Khel, tribe and tattooing ... ... 147 -ban temple .. .. .. ... 300 and n. Bagumrå plates... ... ... App. 51 and a. Barkhji Bhagwan tank and temple at Barah bahasatimittrasa in Pabhosa inscription. App. 30 Kalan ... ... ... .. ... ... 299 Bahiruwa Yaksaya, demon, Singh.... .. 60 Bardkhadk (Skt, dvddabakshari) table of letBahiri, Bhairav, demon ... " tors, App. 2; - the Brahmanical, ita use... 87 Bahl (Bactria) ... ... 14 n. Baraud, tn, in Batidôn 'ilága ... ... ... 298 Badmadásika (Brahmadåsika), a kula... 34-38 Barbarikon or Patala harbotr ... ... 11 Bahram Khels ... ... ... ... ... 147 Barha .. .. .. .. .. 77 Baijnath Kiragrâma Prakastis ... App. 57 Barhah Sayyad ... ... ... 1, 5, 6, 78n. Bairat edicte ... App. 31 and n., 32 n., 34, 35 Barik Khel tribe, and tattooing . ... 147 búj for ba-juz, S. Indian contraction... .. 1 bark of the bharja-tree as a writing material bajubandu or chudlya, bangles, tattoo in India ... ... ... ... App. 92 marks ... .. ... ... ... 246 Barmaar, ChambA Dist., Chaukanda in ... 32 báját, a stool, tattoo-mark ... ... ... 809 Baroda oopperplate, App. 67, 68; -of Rashbakhiya, a stitch, tattoo-mark... 306, 308, 309 trakața k. Dhruva, dated A. D. 834-85, BakhshAli MS, App. 57, -and Brlhmt first contains the symbol avagraha... App. 91 decimal notation, 82, 83; -nse of names of Bartholomew, St., evangelised India, martyrthings for numerals, 83; we of numerals, dom of ... .. ... 10, 11 86;- and Bharja MS. ... ... 93 Barwani State, tattooing in ... ... ... 303 BA18-Dikshita alias Yajñêsvara ... 186, 187 Barygaza (Bharooh) at the month of NarBaláji .. ... ... ... ... mada... ... ... .. " Balakiri Yaksaniya, she-demon, Singh. ... 58 Basör tribe in Bundelkband ... ... ... 220 Balakrishna-Bhagavatpâda, author ... ... 132 Bassia longifolia, mf mal flower ... ... 231 Balapur, tn., Akola Dist. ... .. 79, 159 bata tuvakku, popguns, Singh, ... 208 BAlåsor, factory ... ... . ." ... 85 bataad, sweetmeat, a tattoo-mark ... 223, 228 Balbodh or Devanagarit of the Maratha batupa, bag, a tattoo-mark ... ... 223, 228 districts, App. 51, 53;- and Modi ... 75 Bauddhas of Nepal, MSS. of ... ... App. 77, 78 bali, ceremony, Singh, ... ... ... .. 61 Baudh&yana, on sea voyages and trade. App. 16 Ballasore, tn., maand ... ... 160, 204, 206 BAVA Sahib, Ekoje of Tanjor ... ... ... 194 balur juice, used in tattooing... ... ... 221 bávada, step well, a tattoo-mark ... ... 246 bambhf=brahmt, Indian script ... App. 1, 2 Bavajt, of the Bharadvaja gotra, ancestor of barihmane for banbhane ... .. App. 30 Anandarsya .. 184 *. 11


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