Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 33
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 383
________________ INDEX. 857 App. 9 Natni, female acrobat, Krishna disguised 88 a, 219; Națnis ... ... ... ... 241 nattá, Singh. ... ... ... 143 Nausart oopper-plates of A. D. 705. App. 51 and n, Navagraha, or nine planets, and their names, 61 ff.; - Singh. representations of ... 286 naya, ordeal by snake, Singh.... ... ... 145 N&yaka, k. of Madura ... .. .. 182, 187 NA yanika, Andhra, queen ... ... App. 39 Nawab ... ... ... ... 71 4., 74, 77 . Nearchos on writing materials. App. 5, 6, 93, 97 neep toddy, Nipa de Goa, a kind of arack ... ... ... .. . 205, 823 negama, guilds, struck coins ... ... Negapatam, tn. ... ... ... ... 205 Nellakkul, Christian community 11 n. Nellore and Southern alphabets App. 62 nend, female cousins, Singh. ... ... ... 143 nondd, aunt, Singh. ... ... 143 néndar, equivalent to tamból ... ... ... 120 Nepál, its people, 88; - and Li I-piao, 111 f. ; - and the Lamas, 313; -inscrips. from, App. 46, 48, 55; -of 7th and 8th cen., 81, 89 n.; - alphabet, 45, 60; - the hooked characters, 60; -MSS., 46, 52 n., and 55, 68 and n., 60 and n.;-Buddhist MSS. richly ornamented ... ... ... 91 Nerur plates of Pulakesin II. ... ... App. 66 Nestorians had churches in Caramania, 31; - letter from the Patriarch neti, metal-plates, Singh. ... ... 207 Nidzie, tribe, and tattooing ... ... 147 Nicephorus . * ** ... 14 Ngan-feu-li-mo, tn. .. ... 81 n. Ngai-ti, Han king 114, 116 Nicknames and totemism in Kurram... ... 100 Nidánas, the twelve, the sutra of ... ... 175 Nigliva edicts ... .... App. 34--36, 88 n. nflagridhrd wdhana of Saturn ... .. .. 65 Nila Giri, Singh. Yakku ... ... ... 58 Nilakantha-Dikshita, author of the Nila kanthadijaya, pedigree of ... ... ... 131 nila-pálu, forfeiture, Singh. ... ... ... Nilopant, Brahman, adviser of Sivaji... ... 100 Ninh (Molia axadirachta), juice used in tattoo ing .... .. ... ... 221 Ningwils tribe, and tattooing ... ... ... 304 Nipa de Gos, or neep toddy ... ... 205, 823 Nisarni, a ladder, a tattoo-mark .. 243 Nishbbján-tydga, sixth Jaina stage ... ... 331 Nitighôsha, car of Brihaspati ... ... ... 65 Nitinirantara, a biruda, according to the Kavirajamdrga, of Amôghavarsha I., q. 1., 197, 261, 264, 265, 267 Nitikastras ... ... ... ... App. 4 Nityamallavallabha, a biruda, according to the Kavirdjamarga, of Amôghavarsha I., 2.0. ... ... ... ... 197, 266, 267 Niya, riv. .. ... ... .. . 82 niyara, embankment, Singh. ... ... ... 145 Nizam-ul-mulk ... ... 2, 4, 7-9, 69, 73, 78n. sikosabda, the word "úka," name of the sign for 4 for .... ... .. ... ... App. 78 Norris, E., and Kharoshthi ... ... App. 18 Nfipatunga, a biruda of Amôghavarsha I.,9.0., 197, 260, 261, 264, 265, 267, 273, 274 Nripatungagrantha, "the book of Npipatun ga." 198; - the term means the Kaviraja mdrga of Kavisvara ... ... 200, 268, 278 numeral notation, of the Kharðshthi, App. 76; -of the Brahmf, by letter- numerals, otherwise known as numerical symbols, 77; - by decimal figures, 82; - by word. numerals, 89; - by letters, usually known as the KatapayAdi system ... 86 and Corrections numerical symbols, or letter-numerals.... App. 77 Numismatic Chronicle, and Kabul nume rals ... ... ... ... ... App. 83 mun, na, Kharoshtht sign ... ... App. 22 När-ud-din 'Al Khan, father of 'Alim Ali Khan ... ... ... ... ... ... 4 Nydyafikhåmani, of Ramakrishna ... Nyig-ma-pas, or Red Lamas ... 10. ... 32 144 Odiyanaka - Audiyanaka, on a Buddhist inscrip. ... ... ... ... ... ... 101 Oddi Taka, demon, in Ceylon ... ... 58 'Od-dpag-med, - Amitabha - spiritual fa ther of Chanresi (Avalokitesvara) ... ... 312 Oedjango-Salange, Janselone, for Junk Ceylon ... ... ... ... ... ... 88 Okhamandal inscrip. of Rudrasena ... ... 169 ola, leaf, Singh. ... .... ... ... 57 Oldenberg's Vedische Religion, App. 16 n.; end Kharoshtht ... ... ... 19 n., 24 n. olocko, hoolak, a boat ... .. ... 87 otu, produce, Singh. ... ... omissions; the method of marking them in insoriptions and manuscripts ... App. 91 omrah, ameer, amir, court official ... ... 205 Ooriya, Ourias, inhabitants of Orissa ... 205 opium from Bengala ... ... ... 205 4. ordammalls, oromals, for romál, a ker chief ... ... ... ... ... ... 206 OrchhA kA Gunda, the beau (fop) of Orchha. tattoo-mark... ... ... .. . 225 Orissa, 201, 204-206, and the cutting of letters ... ... ... ... ... App. 94 Oriza - Orissa ... ... ... ... 252, 314


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