Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 33
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 395
________________ INDEX. 869 83 App. 16 63 Triundli oopper-plates of Kochin ... App. 75 Tukkôji, k., 182, 184, 186; 4th Raja of Tiruvibainallur or Sahajimaharajapuram, Tanjor ... ... ... , ... ... .. 194 village granted to scholars by Sahaji tuklt or banda, a tattoo-mark ... 226, 228 I. .. .. .. .. 130, 132, 179 Tulå Råm... ... .. .. .. .. 75 Tissa, k. of Ceylon ... ... .. App. 33 Tula-Kávêri-Mahatmya, the ... ... ...90 #. Tivara, k. of Kobala, inscrips. of ... App. 64 Tulajáji, 4th Raja of Tanjor, 194; - 9th Todah Bhim, vil, in Jaipur ... ... ... 79 Rája ... .. .. .. ... ... 195 toddy, palm wine ... ... 323 tulasi, plant ... ... ... ... ... 91 Tombolee riv., now the Rapnarayan ... ... 323 tult or túlikd, probably a brush ... App. 98 Tomyris, Skythian queen ... ... tulot kayári, Tulaf plant, a tattoo-mark, 240, 245f. Tondamân, k. of Pudukkottai ... 182 Turagånanas, Horse-faced people tootnague, tootanagga, white copper' of . Turamaya for Ptolemaios China ... ... ... ... ... ... 323 turbat, turban ... ... in ... ... ... ... 323 Toramans's Kura inscription ... ... App. 47 Türi, tribe ... 100 Toraņa bearing Mathura Jaina inscription, Turks or Tibetans 153; -of Bbaraut ... ... ... App. 32 Turushkas, tribe ... ... 14 n., 172 Torkhede, Rashtrakuța copper-plate... App. 83 n. Tusita, heaven, Singh. ... ... ... 59 totemism in Kurram, doubtful traces of ... 100 Tutacree, Tuticorin, Dutch factory in tútka, a rite ... ... ... ... ... 120 India ... ... .. .. Traikatakas, their inscrips. and the Southern tvashtd or stradhára, a stone-mason... 102 and n. Alphabets ... ... ... ... App. 63 Tvåstri, wife of Surya ... ... ... Traividya, an appellation of a Jain named Sratakirti, q.. ... ... ... ... 279 Tranquebar, Trincombar, Dutch fort ... 329 Uchchakalpa, kings of, App. 47 n.; - plates... 53 trépitaka or Sk. traipitaka, tropițakaya, Uchchânågari dakha ... ... 35, 36 n., 37, 103 &o. ... ... ... ... ... 39 and n. Uchhår, covering of the Granth Sahib ... 120 Treptia Tertia, q. v. ... ... ... 15 n. Udabbanda, capital of Gandhara ... .. 111 Tresaletore. Trevitore pagoda near Madras... 323 Udaya, an early writer, but possibly the tribal migrations ... ... 98 f. | name is Vimalodaya ... ... ... . 269 Tribhuvanam, vil. south of Sahajirijapuram. 134 Udayagiri inscription ... ... App. 40 n., 47, 64 Trichinopoli and the Grantha alphabet ... App. 62 Udayavarman of Malva, Paramára, k.... App. 52 trident, a tattoo-mark ... ... ... ... 302 Udaypur Prakasti inscrips. ... ... App. 51, 55 Trigarta, Jalandhar . ... .. 83 Uddeśa - Wu-ti-shi, mtu .. .. .. 81 Trimukha, Yaksha ... ... ... ... 332 Iddhisht-Vrata, eleventh stage of the Jainas. 331 Trincom bar, see Tranquebar ... ... ... 323 Uddiyana, co. ... . . ... ... 101 Tripatty, Tirupatti, find of copper-plates at, Udehikiya, gana... ... ... ... 109 n. app. 95 Udepur, inscription found at ... ... App. 81 n. Tripitaka, Japanese edition, 80, 82; -Cey. Udupila, village faction in Ceylon ... 60 lonese, and the use of writing ... App. 4 Ujang Salang, Janselone or Junk-Ceylon ... 88 Triratna symbol, the trident.. ... App. 90 Ujjain, tn, ... ... ... ... 98, App. 18, 42 trisula, 58; - a tattoo-mark ... ... 248, 303 Ujjayani, Ozēnē, port ... ... 11 f., 172, 174 Trivitore, see Tressletore ... ... ... 323 ulumd, devil-bird, Singh. ... ... ... 231 Tryambakadhvarin, author of Stridharma, Ume, g. ... ... . . ... ... 64 &c. ... ... .. ... ... ... 184 Umetâ plates ... ... ... ... App. 51 n. Tryambakamatya-Dikshita (s. e., Tryam- Umr Khân, Chief ... ... ... .. 61, 69 bakario Peshva) ... ... 192 Undopherru, Induphrru, Gondopheres ... 15 tsade=ca, a Kharoshthi sign ... App. 22 unmilita, utkirna, engraver ... .. App. 102 Ts'al Khadampa monastery.. 311 Upadhmanfya ... ... .. App. 48, 56, 82 Tsang, Tibetan province 312 Upanishads ... ... ... .. 161 Tsé-Oang Arabdan, chief 313 Upper-Roger, Pali, upardja, Skr. yuva-rája, Ts'in King, an envoy... ... 114 heir-apparent ... Tsing-fa, monastery of... .. 80 Uragas, gods ... ... 90 Tsing-tsing-pei-ngan, tn. Urkhåri Kalai, sept ... B'Tson-kha-pa, founder of the dGe-lugs-pa Urkhorf, vegetable ... Lamas ... . .. ... ... 311 f. Urvasi, pymph ... ... ... 100 ... 100 **100


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