Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 33
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 397
________________ INDEX. 871 . 91 ... 269 vijñdnika ... ... ... ... ... App. 102 n. viss, veece, S. Indian Indo-Chinese weight ... 324 vijaurt, ornament, a tattoo-mark ... 226, 228 Visvamalla, see Visaladeva .. .. App. 99 Vijaya, Ist king of Ceylon ... ... ... 207 Visvesvaradhvarin, tutor of Vasudevadhvarin. 187 VijayabhattArika, Chalukya k. ... App. 62 Visvśvara-Dikshita ... ... ... ... 186 Vijaybuddhavarman, Pallava k., 170 f.; -his Vizagapatam, Vizegapatam, in Madras, land grants ... ... ... ... App. 44 324, App. 62; - plates ... 69 Vijayanagara, tn., App. 46; -or Vidyanagara, Vizan=Wizan, q... ... ... ... ... 14 51, 96 Vrata, second stage Jaina ... ... ... 331 Vijayaraghunatha, Mareva chief of Râmnåd. 182 Vsidachadasya, of Mathura inscription ... 107 n. vijndnika or silpin, an artisan ... ... App. 102 Vsiddhahasti, of Mathura inscription ... 105 Vikrama era, founded by Kanishka; Bee Vrihaspatih, planet ... ... ... ... 61 MAlava Vikrama era, App. introd. 3 and Vrishabha, mts. ... .. . n. ;-Sauvat 1418 (A. D. 1361-62), date Vyasa, 171 ;--son of Parasara, credited with of cotton cloth inscrip. ... ... App. 93 re-discovering the art of writing ... App. 1 Vikramaditya, k., 11n.,98 ;-Y., dpp., 31 ;-I, App. 65;-II., App. ... ... ... 71 f. Vikriti, wife of Surphöjl of Tanjor ... 194 Wahala Bandara Deviyo, goddess, Singh. ... 60 Vimala, or possibly Vimalodaya; an early Wali, poet, possibly Budisht .. . ... 1 author ... .. Wali Yakun, heroes, Singh. ... ... ... 60 Vimala, & writer to whom the Svêtâmbara Waltair, Wattara, port of Vizagapatam ... 324 Jains attribute the Ratnamdliká ... ... 199! Wardak vase inscription, App. 19, 24 n., 25, 76 n. Vimalodaya, see Vimala ... ... ... 269 Wardle (Sir T.), The Leek Post ... 98 and n. vindnt ... ... ... ... ... App. 102 n. Waterfowl, Geese and Woodpecker, Singh. Vinatêya, see PeriyappA-Kavi. ... 178, 185 story ... ... ... ... ... ... 230 Vináva, stringed instrument, Singh. .. ... 209 Wattara, see Waltair ... ... ... ... 324 Vinaya School, in China, 114f.;-MS. of... App. 94 watura vedilla, squirts, Singh. ... ... ... 203 Vinayakapåla, Maharaj, of Mahodaya ... App. 51 Wav or great well at Adalaj ... ... ... 62 Vinayapitaka, App. 5 and n.; bears witness waw, ua, Kharðshthi sign ... .... App. 22 to use of wooden boards as writing Weber, A., on the origin of Brahmi, and Kha. material ... ... ... ... App. 93 rôshthi, App. 9, 12; - and the Semitic Vindhya, mts. ... ... ... App. 34, 61 alphabet, 16 n., 20 n., and word-numerals... 83 Vindhyâchal, mts, 98 n.; - near Mirzapur, Wei, the ... ... .. ... ... 113, 115 female tattooing at ... .. ... 117 well, a tattoo-mark ... ... ... 286, 302 Vinzâi, godling ... .. wand, waterstand, a tattoo-mark ... ... 308 Viper and Cobra, Singh. story... ... Wesamunu RAJA, king of spirits, Singh. ... 57, 60 vira, Brahmapa ... .. ... 149 Western India, the early alphabet of ... App. 62 Vira Båvaji, see Bhaji ... ... wheat grains, a tattoo-mark ... ... .. 286 Vira Maloji, see Malloji Wijên, Pahlavi for Vizan ... ... ... 15 viráma, the first . ... App. 48, 56, 59, 73, 75 Wild tribe section of c.India, tattooing Viranácharya, tvasta, writer of the grants of among ... ... ... ... ... 219, 301 Achyut rays and others .... App. 102 n. Wira Munds Deviyo, g, Singh. ... ... 60 Viranarayana, a biruda of Amoghavarsha I., Wizan, Vizan, son of Mazdeo ... . .. 14 197, 261, 264, 266, 267 wooden boards as writing materials in Virgin Mary and St. Thomas ... ... ... 13 India .. ... ... ... ... App. 5, 93 viridu kiyanavá, extempore verses, Singh. ... 207 woolook, olocks, hoolak, a boat ... ... 87 Visaladeva or Visvamalla, a Chalukya word numerals ... ... ... ... App. 83 k. ... ... ... ... ... App. 99 words, the grouping of, in inscriptions ... App. 88 arga * ... App. 41, 56, 73, 89 and n. writers of inscriptions, &c.; various names ViksbAvasyaka, the ... ... ... App. 77 1. for them ... ... ... ... App. 100 pishat, betrothal ... ... ... ... 120 writing in India, its antiquity and origin, Vishņu, 59, 60, 65, 91, 145, 219 n.;-avatars App. 1 ff.;- literary evidence of its use, of .. .. ... ... 312 3; -origin of the Brahma alphabet, 9; Vishnuvardhana I., Chalukya k., inscriptions time and manner of the borrowing of the of ... ... ... ... ... App. 65 Semitio alphabet, 15; - the Kharôshțht Vispanthis, Jaina seot, their form of worship. 330 script, how it was deciphered, 18; - origin, ... 194 ... 194


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