Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 33
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 393
________________ INDEX. 367 ... 217 Sukra, Venus ... ... .. 61 4., 65, 299 Svamin, Kshatrapa title .. 163-165 Suleiman Khel tribe and tattooing ... 147 f. Svamuk hus, Dog-headed people .. . 83 Sultan, heir-apparent in Malay ... ... 321 Suarga, a beaven ... ... ... 90, 92, 300 Sumatra, Island / .. . 86, 87, 315, 821 Sparasiddhantachandrika, work on Sanskrit Sumbarero or Catysol, umbrella ... 89, 320 grammar, by Srinivasa-Dikshita ... ... 176 sumbra, Malay Balutation . .. - 321 srdstika, a tattoo-mark, 239; symbol ... App. 90 f. Sumérpur ... ... .. Svät, Subbavastu, riv. ... ... .. . 85 Sumêru, mt. ... ... ... 61 Svayambha, Brahman ... ... ... ... 310 Sun-Ravi or Sarya, representations, of, 62; Svê tâm bara and Digambara Jainas, distincother names of tions between them ... ... ... 330 f. sundant oeremony ... ... ... ... 120 Swât, Kharðshthi inscrip. from ... App. 88 n. sunara, probably equivalent to sondra, a gold- Syagros, cape in Arabia ... ... ... 11 smith ... ... ... App. 102 Syam, Siam ... ... ... 201, 253, 258, 320 Sundara Bandara, 8., Singh. ... ... ... 60 Syamers, natives of Siam ... ... ... 320 Sundara-Pandya, k. ... ... ... App. 72 Sylvain Lévi's Notes on the Indo-Saythians, Sunga alphabet ... App. 32, 39 10ff., 110 ff.; - the Kharoshthi writing and Sung-kao-seng ch'oan, a work ... ... 80 n. its Cradle, 79 ff.; - Some Terms employed súnya, its meaning ... ... App. 84 and n. in the Inscriptions of the Kshatrapas ... 163 ff. fúnyabindavah, ciphers ... ... App. 82 Syrians of Kochin .. ... .. App. 75 Supara, ancient Sarparaka, Sôpåra, tn., 81n.; Indian port ... ... .. A pp. 16 Suphor =Siphor, q. v. ... ... ... 15 n. ta=taw, Kbarösthi sign ... App. 13, 22 Supraja, daughter of Mártanda ... ... 63 Tacitus and Abdagases....... ... 15n. Sara, a family name ... 104 tadı or tild, the Borassus fabelliformis, its Suraj Kund Tank at Kalwd ... .. 299 leaves as a writing material... . App. 94 Saraj Narain ... ... 299 tadátudya ... ... ... ... App. 27 súraja, the sun, a tattoo mark ... 244 taak or tau, Corypha umbraculifera, its leaves Saraadnas, the ... ... 173 as a writing material ... ... ... App. 94 Surahtra, country of Sani, 66; - and the Tadvi BhilAlas, tattooing among ... ... 305 • Ksbatrapas ... " * . 173 tael, taile, a weight ... .. ... 320 Surat, Suratt ... .. ... ... 159, 321 T'ai-t'soung, emperor ... ... Sureņu, wife of Mártanda ... ... ... 63 Tajik, tribe in Afghanistan.. ... .. 147 Sorpåraka, see Supard ... App. 16 TA kart or Takkari, a variety of the Sarada Surphöjt, son of Êkoji of Tanjor, 187; - 3rd alphabet ... ... .. App. 67, 75 RAja of Tanjor, 194; -11th Raja ... 195 takhallush, pen-name ... ... Surya, the sun, Bl; - representations of, Takhti, case in which a rakh, q.v., is enclosed. 120 62; - other names of ... 63, 90 Takht-i-Bahi inscriptions of Gondophares, 13, Súrya-garbha-sitra ... ...81 n. 15, App. 25 Saryalóka, place... ... .. 90 Takkasilâ, Taksbasil, tn. ... .. 41 Saryamatí, queen ... ... 50 D. Talla Makan, dist. Talle Male ... ... ... ... 82 Susa, c., and the Aramaic script App. 20 Taksbasila, the town of Taxiles ... 83, 111 Susthâna Good resting place 80 Tálgund (Sthanakunddra) Prasasti of Kubja, sritrá, a kind of bracelet .. ... 120 App. 64n, 101 n. mitra or sarayantraka, strings ... App. 95 | Talimata guild coins ... ... ... App. 9 Sutras in Stapas, found at Gopalpur... 175 taliya, cymbals, Singh. ... ... ... ... 209 sútradhára, stone-mason, App. 101; - or tal-métrd, a marriage ceremony tvasha... ... ... ... ... 102 and n. tamarin, tamarind, a tree and its fruit .. 322 Satraveshanam ... ... ... ... App. 98 n. | Tamil,the vernacular of R&mabhadra.Dikabita, surd, paroquet, 227 1.; - k-panti, row of par. 129; - alphabet, its probable derivation, rots, as tattoo mark ... ... ... 283 . App. 62, 73 and n., 74-76; - numerals ... 83 Suvarchall, wife of Sarya ... ... ... 63 tammattana, kettle.drum, Singh. ... ... 209 suvannapatta, gold plates, ae writing ma- tampala, Nothoseeruva brochiata, Singh. *** terials ... ... ... ... ... App. 5 tdmrapata, támrapattra, támrabásana, copperSuvarna-dipa-samgharana, place ... ... 80 plates, as engraving plates, App. 95; the Suvasta, riv. -. ... ... ... ... 83 oldest .. .. . 112


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