Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 33
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 388
________________ 362 INDEX. Râmnath cave inscrips. ... ... App. 31 Rit, Ritan, ceremony... Rampurva edicte....... App. 6, 32 n., 34-36 Riw inscrip. ... * Ranaråga, k. ... ... ... 167 Röhiņi .. ... ... ... ... ... 62 rand-dhid, widow's daughter, in the Chaurah Rómakasiddhanta ... Wizarat ... ... ... 32 Rome .. ... randput, widow's son, in the Chaurah rompetta, a toy, Singh. ... ... ... ... 208 Wizarat... ... ... ... ... ... 32 roomauls, see rammals Ranganåtha-Yajvan, author of the Mañjarf. rápna, betrothal... ... makaranda ... ... ... ... 126, 128 rófi kaurd vattå, roti sijh karák, foods disranighollan, tattoo ornament ... ... ... 289 tributed after a death ... .. ranja, collyrium, used in tattooing ... ... 147 roundel, rundell, state umbrella ... ... 316 Rapjubula or Rajuvula Mahakshatrapa, k., roundeliere, umbrella carrier ... ... ... 316 App. 40 Rpalirisou for Spalirisēs ... ... 14 n. R&& (Radh&), place .. .. ... 105 f. Rudhirðdgårin, wife of Sabajl of Tanjor ... 194 Rashboot, see Rajput ... ... ... ... 315 Rudradâman, Kshatrapa k., 163, 165 170, 172, Råshtrakatas of Gujarat, App. 63; - of 174, App. 30, 32, 41 Manyakheta, 67; - inscrips, at Kanheri, rudraksha-mdla, rosary ... ... ... 65 &c. ... ... ... ... ... 83 n. Rudradea, sreshthin, a Jaina... .. 40, 41 n. rashtriya, title ... .. .. ... ... 168 " Rudras, gods ... ... ... ... ... 90 Råsichakras, zodiacs ... ... ... ... 61 Rudrasena, Kshatrapa k. .. 169, App. 42 Ratna Kataya, Singh. Yakku... ... .. 58 Rudrasimha, Kshatrapa k. .. 169, App. 42 Ratnamdlika or Prašnottaramáld, work rúkada netum, theatricals, Singh. .. ... 207 attributed to various authors, of which we rulers, used in writing ... ... ... App. 98 have a Tibetan translation; the Digambars rúmál, orammall, a kerchief, 206; see also recension probably attributed it to Amôgha- rammal... ... ... ... ... ... 316 varsha I., q. 5. ... ... ... 198 ff. rundell, see roundel ... .. ... ... 316 Ratnapur stone inscrip. ... ... App. 52 Runganatha, 8. ... ... . .. ... 91 Ratta prince's inscrip. ... ... App. 51 rupa ... .. ... ... App. 5 rattan, cane ... ... ... ... 315 . mipakara Sampula, a stone-mason ... App. 101 n. Raudra, wife of Pratâpasimha of Tanjor ... 195 rupee, coin ... ... ... ... 316 f. Ravana, g. .. .. .. .. .. 59 Rapnath inscrips. ... App. 81 n., 82 n., 85, 86 Ravi, or Surya, representations of, other Russia and the Lamas . .. ... ... 313 names of ... ... ... ... ... 62, 63 62, 63 Rastam ... ... ... ... ... 70 Ravi or Purusi, riy. ... ... ... ... 98 ruval oru, fishing boat, Singh. ... ... 147 Ravikirti's Aihole Prasasti . .. App. 68 Ravivarman, Kadamba, k. . .. App. 66 Røvs, people of the Råvi valley ... .. 98 Rayagini ... . ... .. ... 37 1. la = thin in Indian writing ... ... App. 13 rékh, line, a tattoo-mark ... ... 309 Sabaean letters among the Hindus ... App 10 rel, engine, a tattoo-mark ... ... 224, 228 Babdamanidarpana of K@kiraja; a historical relationship and rights of property in allusion in it, 197; - remarks on some Ceylon ... ... ... ... ... 143 it. verses in it which resemble verses in the remedies for minor complaints in Ceylon ... 57 Kavirajamárga .. .. .. 275 1. Resbute, see Rajpoot ... ... ... 315 | Sachi, wife of Indra .. .. .. 65 resh, ra, Kharôshtht sign ... ... App. 22 Sachita-tydga, fifth stage of Jaina lite . 331 Resurrection day ... ... ... . 71, 74 saddharma, MSS. of the ... ... App. 99 n. rice grain, as a tattoo-mark... ... 302 sad-grahah, bubhagraha), auspicious planets, Riddles, Singh. ... ... ... ... ... 2091 Singh. ... . .. 61 Rigveda, and oral tradition ... ... App. 17 Safidon, tn. ... ... ... ... 298-300 Ringo Root, probably a kind of ginger ... 816 sagd, charmed cloth ... ... Rin-po-ches or spiritual guides of the Dalaï sagat, betrothal ... ... ... ... ... 120 Lamas, list of them ... ... ... 314 n. Sagan, k., converted by St. Thomas ... 11 n. ripolla, ordeal by hot iron, Singh. ... ... 145 Sagar& * .. .. .. 172 Riri Yaksaya, goddesses in Ceylon ... ... 58 Sahaji I. of Tanjor, 128, 134, 176, 179, 181, Rishabhadatta, k., see Ushavadata ... App. 42 183, 192; - II. or Kåtturája ... ... 194 - *** ... 120


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