Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 33
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 384
________________ 858 INDEX. . .. 244 ornamental characters and other decora- Palmyranian writing, the later ... App. 22 tions; the use of them in inscriptions and paltana, infantry, as a tattoo mark ... ... 245 manuscripts ... .. ... .. App. 90 pálu, abandonment, Singh. ... . .. 144 Orongkay, Orankay, Melay official ... ... 206 Palur, early Christian community at ...11 n, Ou-k'ong, pilyrim ... 110, 113 Pamirs and the Kharðshtra ... ... ... 84 Ourias, for Ooriyas, q... ... ... 205 Pampa-Ramayana, of Abhinava-Pampa, q. .; Ou-ta-kin-han-tch'n, - Udabhånda - capital remarks on its opening verses, its colo of Gandbâra ... ... .. . ... 111 phon, and some other passages ... 262 f. Ouzan or Guzan, Vizan ... ... ... 15 panatta, Singh, word ... ... ... ... 143 Ouzanës, Gushana, k. ... ... 14, 15 and n. Panaykrav, women and water-pots, a tattoo Oxyrhynchus Papyri, and the adventures of mark . . . * * Charition ... ... ... ... 12 n. Pancha nada ... ... ... ... 298 and n. Ozêne - Ujjayint ... ... ... ... 11 pánche, a tattoo-mark ... ... Pan-chhên Rin-po-ches, list of ... 314 n. pandal = leaf shelter, Singh. ... ... 60 PabhôA inscrips.... ... 151, App. 7, 30, 32, 89 Pandavas and Kauravas at Kuruksbetra ... 298 Pachkhura Buzurg, vil. in Bundelkhand ... 217 | Panditachandra, an early writer, but perhaps Pada, writer of Siddâpura edicte ... App. 34 the name is another appellation of Srivi. Padama kara, poet, mentions use of Krishna's jaya, q. v. ... ... ... ... ... 269 name in tattooing ... ... ... ... 219 pandulekha, chalk ... ... ... App. 93 Paderia, the pillar edicts at ... App. 34-36, 88 n. Pandyan coin ... ... ... ... ... 332 Padamañjart by Haradattamiśra ... ... 126 Påndyas, their Sanskrit inscrips. ... App. 70 padre, patree, priest ... ... ... ... 206 Påņini, 165; -his grammar and Indian pagination of manuscripts and copper-plate writing ... ... ... .. App. 2, 3, 5 grants ... ... ... ... .. App. 92 Panipat ... ... ... ... ... ... 298 pagod, pagoda, temple ... ... 250 Panj Bhikmi, a fast in honour of Dévi ... 120 Pahlavas and Nagarjuna *** .. .. 12 Panjab, 77; -palm-leaves as a writing Pahlavi writing ....... ... ... App. 22 material in ... ... ... ... App. 94 Paippalada-Sakha, MS. of the Atharva Panjela, a fast ... ... ... ... ... 120 Veda ... ... ... .. . ... 32 Panjtar inscrip. ... ... ... ... ... 15 n. Paithina, gútra of Rahu ... .... 86 panna, leaves, as a writing material ... App. 5, 94 Paiwår dist., and the Chanchanri Kols ... 100 Pantaleon's coins ... ... App. 32-34 Påla, a Jaina female ... ... ... 35 t. pápa-grahan, krüra-grahah, inauspicious PAlaka, k. of Ujjayini ... .. ... ... 168, 174 planets, Singh. .. .. .. ... 61 Palakkada, the Pallavas of ... ... App. 70 papaya, tattoo-mark .. . Palankeen, palanchinos... ... .... 251, 253 paper, as a writing material ... ... App. 97 påldsa, sacrificial stick... ... *.. ... 91 papiha (Falco nisus), a bird, as a tattoo-mark. 282 palempores, pallampores, quilts ... ... 251 papira, musical pipe, as a tattoo-trark ... 223, 228 Pali inscrips. of Håritiputta Såtakanni, papyri, Aramaic, from Egypt ... ... App. 19 App. 30, 68 n.;-MSS. of the Viennese para, parra, a measure ... ... ... ... 252 Court library from Burma .. ... .. 87 Parabrahma, causeless reality ... ... 162 Pa-kien-fu, - P&taliputra, tn. ... ... ... 80 Paraméras of Malva .. App. 51 Pallas, g., on coins of Menander .... ... 217 Paramesvara I. ... ... ... ... App. 71 Pallava kings used Praksit in their insorip- Påråbara, Rishi ... ... ... ... 298 tions, 170; - Prakrit land-grants ; their Parasara, father of Vysa ... ... App. 1 alphabet, App. 44; -inscrips. in Sanskrit, Parasojt, of Tanjore .... ... ... ... 194 62, 65, 67, 70, 72 Parasurama, conqueror of the Guptés ... 98, 299 Pallipuram, South, Christian community at. 11 n. Parish, Parjars, of no caste ... ... 173, 252 palm leaves 88 writing material in Paribhashdvrittivydkhyána of RamabhadraIndia ... .. " ... . Dikshita... App. 94, 95 ... *** ... ... 137, 141, 181 f. APP: Palmeris, cape .. .. ... .. ... ... 85, 252 85, 252 paríchh, offerings (Dera Ghazi Khan)... ... 120 palmito, date palm ... ... ... ... 251 ParidhAsika kula ... ... ... ... ... 109 palmiti wine ... ... ... 251 Parigraha-tyaga, ninth stage in Jains life ... 331 palmyra, palmero, toddy palm Parimala of NallA-Dikshita ... ... 126 f. Palmyra, Palmeris point Parkham inscrips. ... ... ... App. 32 aya, LOO K . . . 301


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