Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 33
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications
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guvala, cowherd, as tattoo-mark Gwalior inscrips., A. D. 876 rGyal-ba Rin-po-che
Tibetan title, and others Gyurmed Namgyal, viceroy of Tibet...
225, 228 App. 50 Precious majesty,
Haddal copper-plate inscrip.... ... App. 83 n. Hahn, Revd. F., on the Mundari lang. 121 f., 124 f. Haidarâbâd and "box-headed alphabet,"
App. 62; plates hakgediya, trumpet, Singh. Hala, Satavahana, Satakarni, k. halamba, armlets, Singh. Halalcore, Hololcore, low-caste haldât, ceremony Halevy, J., and the origin of App. 9; and Kharoshṭhi signs halmelé, game, Singh. .... Hamirpur dist., find of silver coins... Hamrån Khel tribe and tattooing hamsapada = kakapada, symbol hdn ceremony
20 n. 208 ... 217 147 App. 91 119 ... 119 61 230 99
handa, bread offering
handahana, horoscope, Singh.... hansa rajaya, Swan king's daughter Hanuman, monkey g. hár, wreath, a tattoo-mark
... 303 1., 308
Haradattamisra, author of Padamañjart Hare and jackal, Singh. story...
... 126 232 Hari, name of Krishna ... 219 and n. Harischandra 91 Harishena's Allahabad prasasti App. 46 Haritiputa Satakarni, k., inscrip. of...170, App. 30 Harivamsa and Dadhikarṇa Harivarman, Kadamba k.
App. 66
Harsapore, Haraspoore, tn. 85 Harsha inscrip. of Vigraha II....App. 50, plate 56 Harsha-Siladitya, k. 111 f., 166, 169, 172 Barshacharita App. 96 n., 98 n., 99, 101 n. Hashtnagar image App. 18 n. Hát, vil.
209 ... 170 60
312 313
... 85 ... 119
Hathi, elephant, a tattoo-mark Hathigumphâ inscrip.
Kharavela Haṭṭakiya kula
haut, hawt, a measure...
havan paninavá, hare's jump, Singh. hawlata, co-workers, Singh. Hazaristan tribes and tattooing He, ha, Kharôshthi sign Hebrew writing...
Hellenism and the Kshatrapa Sakas... Hemachandra and names of the planets, 63,
66 n.; his Abhidhanachintamant. 103, 168
App. 5, 13; of
...31 n. 103 and n. 85 208 144 ... 147 App. 22 App. 22 174
Hemadri's Danakhanda
App. 4, 99 n. hemakdra or sonara, probably sonára, goldsmith
App. 102
héna, waste ground, Singh.
... 144
Hena Kanda Bisô Bandara, g., Singh. hengin muttan, hide and seek, Singh. ... 208 heraliya, jackfruit, Singh. ...231 Heraos or Miaos, coins of 14 n Herodotos and the Saks kings... 14 n. Hienforum, Inforum, &c., cap. of Gondophares Hierapolis, Eliforum, &c., cap. of Gondophares Hi-lin, author of Siu-yi-tsi-king-yin-yi Hima-Kapisa, Scythian prince Himalaya mts., 83, 84;-produce the Baetula bhojpattr App. 92 Hind, pl. 3-6, 77
Hindi MSS., account of the search for, 1900-02, 17 ff.;-list of... Hindostan, war in
225, 228 | Hoang-chgei, co...
Hindu Hushi and the Kalystrioi Hindu divinities in Ceylon
Hindus, and the sign for 10, App. 77; -and decimal notation of the Brahmi, 82; their writing in earliest inscrips., 87; -method of pagination, 92;-used boards for literary purposes 93 hingula, minium, as a substitute for ink. App. 98 Hinna and Hinnf, buck and doe, tattoomark ... 222, 224, 227 f. Hirahaḍagalli plates, 171;-grant App. 96 n. Hiran-ki Jodi, deer, a tattoo-mark 246 Hiranyakéélyasútravyákhyana of Vâñchhêé
Hoey, Dr., and the stúpa at Gopalpur Hokka, story of, Singh. holman, sounds, Singh. Hololcore Halalcore, low-caste Hom, ceremony.... Hoogly, Hugly, tn,
12 n. ... 82 111
41 ff. 7; 75, 85 83 f. 56
134 Hirany4ksha, demon ... 300 Hiuan-yaan, Fa-yuan 80 Hiuan-Tsang, pilgrim, 83, 94 n., 110, 111; on the invention of writing, App. 1, 2; and copper as writing materials in India... hiwan, coffin Ho dialect
12 n.
94, 95 119 ... 121 . 111
Hobson-Jobson, Index to Yule's, 27 ff., 93 ff., 210 ff., 290 ff.; notes on 86, 216; 236 Hodgson, B. H., and the Munda dialects... 121 Hoernle, Prof. R., and dates of Gandhara inscrips, App. 18n.; -on Brahmi decimal notation
8 ម ន ៥ ៖
232 ff.

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