Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 33
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 379
________________ INDEX. 353 . 194 ... 208 ... 302 Maharaja arva, a biruda of Amoghavarsha Malayagiri, Jaina, commentator of the 12th I., q. U. ... ... ... ... ... ... 197 cen. ... ... ... ... ... App. 78 Maharajashanda, a biruda of Amôghavarsha mal-bulut tattuva, Singh, term ... ... 57 I., q.. ... ... * *** Maldiva, isles, Malldiva, Maldivæ *** ... Maharashtra, dist. ... ... ... ... 174 Malla Khel tribe and tattooing ... ... 147 Maharashtri, and the Satakarnis, 170; - Mallabars ... ... ... ... 158, 160 Ujjayini ... .. ... .. Mallikâmåle or Mattakökila, a Kanarese Mahasen, g. and k., Singh..... ... ... 60 metre; the invention of it seems to be Mahason (Mahasabura), g., Singh. ... ... 208 claimed by the first Någavarma; but it is mahasop paumava, a game, Singh. ... ... 208 found in an epigraphic record of much Mahaastu list of alphabets ... App. I n. earlier date ... ... ... ... 266 n. Mahavira, Jaina Arhat ... 108 f. Malloji, alias Vira Máloji, Maratha RÂja of Mahdrar-ků phal, a tattoo-mark Tanjore .. ... . Mahayanist Bodhisattva worship worship .. .. 40 Malto, dialect ... .. ... 123 Mahendra III., k. .. " ... App 71 Målva, conquest of, about A. D. 1140... App. 99 Mabasa ... ... ... ... ... 300 Malwa, Nizamu-l-mulk leaves mulk leaves .. ... 78n. Mahesvara, g., 111; - and the Guptas ... 172 Malwatte Bandara, g., Singh. ... ... ... 60 Mahekvara on the Amarakosha ... App. 98 n. mama, uncle, Singh. ... .. . ... 143 Mahesåsura, g. .. .. man, coarse bread .... ... ... 119 Mahika Mghilta ... .. .. ... ... 99 man's name, a tattoo-mark ... ... Mahoba inscrip. ... . ... ... App. 59 n. minas, man, a tattoo-mark .. ... 308 Mahomed Beake, Raja of Janselon ... ... 315 Manashar, Sisara, wife to Ouzanes ... 15 n. Mahrattahe, Marathas ... ... ... .. 69 Manaõjêri, vil., west of Sahajirâjapuram, on mihud (Bassia latifolia), juice used in the Kaveri ... ... ... ... ... 134 tattooing ... ... ... ... 221 Manava Dharmasútra, its age ... . App. 3 mii ki bhent, a tattoo-mark ... ... 226, 228 manda, and nandi, "water vessel” ... App. 97 n. maila, Prakrit for "dirty" .. .. App. 97 Mandaleswar, tn., on the Narbada ... ... 98 Mailapur, suburb of Madras ... ... Mandanu Yaksant, she-demon, Singh. ... 58 Maisor, App. 18, 34; - and "box-headed Mandasor Prasasti of A. D. 473-74... App. 89 alphabet” ... .. ... mandha, ceremony ... ... ... ... 119 Maitri Buddha ... .. ... 59. Mandugadh, Mandu Fort ... ... ... 98 Maitreya, Bodhisattva, statue Manoekjee Cursetjee, and Parsi social reform. 68 Maiturnos (Ethiop.) = Ouzanes ... 15 n. Mangala = Mars, 9.1... ... ... 62, 64 makarí, spider, a tattoo-mark ... 227 mangalas, signs, App. 78, 88 f.; - the use makk, fly ... ... ... ... 307 f. of, in inscriptions and manuscripts ... 90 Maksdangarh State, tattoo-marks from. 280 ff. Mangalesa Chalukya, k., inscrips. of... 167, mild, rosary, a tattoo-mark... ... 303 App. 65, 66 Malabar Christians, 11 n. ;-coast ... Mangara Deviyô, g., Singh. ... ... 60 Malacca, Duteh garrison ... 158 Mangoe, mango, fruit, 159; - tree, a tattooMalala, Gala Bandara, g., Singh. ... ... 60 mark ... .. ... ... .. 301 f. mala palu, failure of heirs, Singh. .. ... 144 mangosteen, mangastinos, fruit ... ... 159 Maland and the Span Khêls ... ... 100 Manichapatam, Manikpatam, port ... ... 159 Malankara, near Cranganor ... ... ... 11 n. Manikyala inscrip., 15 n., 33; - stone, MAlava and tattooing, 219, 221;- among the App. 24 n., 23 Mochis, &c. ... ... ... ... 237 ff. Manilla, Moneela ... ... ... ... 159 Mâlava era and Nahapana. App. 42 n.;- Masījusri, Tibetan 'Jam-dpal, Bodbisattva ... 312 Vikrama era commencing B. C. 59; it mannison, Malay, mani san, honey ... ... 159 was founded by Kanishka. App. introd. 3 and n. Mansa Devi, temple in Jind ... ... ... 299 MAlavi women, tattoo-marks on ... ... 284 Mansehra edicts ... ... App. 24 and n., 27 Malay Coast ... ... ... ... .. 158 Manu ... ... . .. ... App. 4; 16 Malaya mt. and Rahu ... ... ... ... 66 Munusasishita,and the invention of writing. App. 1,3 malayî, younger brother, Singh. ... 143 n. manuscripts, Hindi, Account of the search Malayalam, language ... ... for, 17 tf., 41 ff.; - the external arrangeMalayalam, MSS. App. 77 ment of them, App. 87; -the arrangements Malayars or Javas ... for preserving them ... ... ... ... 98 ... 158


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