Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 33
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 360
________________ 334 INDEX. Alcoran, Koran ... ... .. .. .. 89 to him, 198 ff.: he took, or was credited in alepk, Kharoshthi, sign... ... ... App. 21 the taking, a special interest in alamkára, Alexander the Great, 99; his invasion of and directed or was credited with directing India . .. .. ... App. 2 and n., 5 the composition of the Kavirajamdrga, q. v., Alexandria, port for India ... ... .. 11 200 ;-that work was really written, not by Alha and Udal, Ballad of ... ... ... 79 him, but under his patronage, by a writer Ali ... ... ... ... ... 71, 74 named Kavtávara ... ... 200, 258 ff., 278 Ålim Ali Khan, Nawab ( Sayyad )...1, 6,8, Amôghôdaya, a mistaken rendering of the 69, 70, 72, 74, 77, 78 n. Tibetan translation of the name of AmoAllahabad inscriptions, App. 32 n.; pillar ghavarsha I., q. v. ... ... ... ... 199 Amorgos, Saka k. ... ... ... ...14 n. Alphabet of N.-W. India, 79; - Indian tradi- Aníuvarman's inscriptions A. D. 635, bis tion of its origin ... ... ... App.1 era ... .. .. .. App. 50 and n. alphabets, the northern, from about A. D. anteudbikini ... .. .. .. ...37 n. 350 - definitions and varieties, App. 44; Anu Sohoni, a Singh. goddess ... ... 58 - the Southern - definition and varieties, amulets in Ceylon ... ... ... ... 56 61;- Western script, 62,- of Central Anakkudi, vil. N. of Sahajirajapuram on the India, 64; - Kanarese and Telugu, the Kaveri ... ... .. .. .. .. 134 archaic variety, 65;- the middle variety, Ananda relative of Buddha ... ... ... 115 67; the Old Kanarese, 68; - later Kalinga Ananda Rao Peshva, Tanjor General ... 182 script, 69;--Grantha alphabet, archaic Anandarayamakhin (Ånandarao Peshva), variety, 70; -middle variety, 71;-transi- minister of Sahaji I.... ... 181, 182, 192 tional Grantha, 72;- the Tamil, 73,- Anandarayamakhin, author, 182, 183; bis Vattelutta, 75; - the oldest Indian, in- pedigree ... ... ... ... ... 184 vented by Brahmanical school-men ... 100 Anantapur and Southern alphabet ... App. 62 Alut Yakinni, goddess in Ceylon ... ... 59 | Andar tribe and tattooing . 147 ám, mango-tree, a tattoo-mark ... 304, 305, 307ande, half crop, Singh. ... ... ... ... 144 Amarakosha, dictionary ... 168, App. 98 n., 100 n. Andher, stupa at, App. 5; relic vase of the Amarasimha, 10th k. of Tanjor ... ... 195 stupa ... ... ... ... ... ... 97 Amaravati Stapa inscriptions... App. 48 and n. Andra-SAtakarni dynasty. ... ... 11. 12 74,87 n., 89 n. Andhra inscriptions, App. 6, 7, 42, 66; - coins, amba, mango-tree, a tattoo-mark ... ... 242 43 and n.; - characters, 61; - period and Ambála, tn. .. ... .. .. .. 298 use of cotton cloth as writing material ... 93 Ambarváth inscription ... App. 51 and n. Andrakottos or Sandrakottos ... ... ameer, omrah, amir, court official ... ... 205 Andrapolis, cap. of Gondophares ... Amin Khân, letter to .. .. ... 5, 69 An Edima, a Singh. ceremony ... Amitabha Buddha .. .. angam, invocation ... ... ... animá, step-mother, Singh. ... ... ... 143 angárd, a talisman, tattoo-mark ... Amma II., Eastern Chalukya k., bis plates of Ångirasa, gôtra of Jupiter ... ... A. D. 945 dated in word numerals... App. 86 Anglo-Indian terms from a 17th Century ammapá, oath, Singh.... ... .. ... 144 MS. ... 85 ff., 157 ff., 200 ff., 250 f., 314 ff. Ammianus Marcellinus quoted ... ...11n. Aphilvåd, library of Bhoja transferred Amoghavarsha, & biruda of various kings thither ... ... .. .. .. App. 99 besides the Rashtrakūta Amúghavarsba animal substances as a writing material in I. ... ... ... ... ... ... 199 India ... .. ... ... ... App. 95 Amoghavarsha I. (Rashtrakata); he reigned anjanan eliya, Singh, vegetable paste ... 56 from A. D. 814 or 815 to about 877-78, Anjanan Devi, Singh. female elf ... ... 56 197; he probably ended his long reign by Afijaneri inscription ... ... ... App. 101 n. abdicating, 197, 199f.;-his personal name ajlapalli, Jaina name of the Brahmi deci. probably either was Narayana or else was mal notation ... ... ... ... App. 78, 82 a name beginning with Vishnu, 197 n.; his ankas, units of the decimal notation ... App. 82 other birudas, 197; some literary allusions Ankuţ, Hindu holiday for the worship of which probably refer to him, 197 f.:-note Govardhan ... ... ... on him as a patron of literature, 197 ff.:-by Annapurņa, wife of Mahadev&dhvarin the Digambaras, the composition of the Anokhali Mêkhalâ Devi, a Yakshiņi ... ... Ratnamilikú, q. v., is probably attributed Anona squamosa, custard-apple . .. ... 312


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