[APRIL, 1904.
Nanpatri. - The shridha ceremony performed Roti kaura vatta. - Food given among Muham
by a daughter's son of a sonlese man for the madans by the brotherhood to the family of a benefit of his soul on the first day of the deceased on the day of the death. (Dera Ghazi naurdtrd after the shradha. (Dera Ghazi Khân.) Khan.) Cf. patri.
Roti sijh kapak. - Bread given among Nanchhawar. - Equivalent to bel, q. v.
Muhammadans after sunset, by the deceased's Naqsh. - An anulet. Also called távis.
relatives, for the benefit of his soul for forty Nendar. - Equivalent to tamból. (Dera Ghazi Khân.)
Saga. - A piece of cloth giren by spiritual guides Panj Bhikma. - A fast observed by girls in
to followers as a charm. Hindus also call it honour of Dêvf, for five days, food being eaten
bur. once a day only and lamps lighted in a Devi
Sagat. - Betrothal. Also called rúpnd, vishat, temple. (Dera Ghazi Khân )
sang-bandh. Panjela. - A fast observed for five days, usually
Sangbandh. - Betrothal. Cf. sagát. in the dark half of the lunar month of Kätik,
Sathi. - Equivalent to chhatt(17.0. from the Ikadasht (11th) to the Paranmashi,
Shagan. - (1) Omen. (2) Equivalent to during which no food, except the panj garbhi,
chhdhanra, q. v. is taken. (Dera Ghazi Khân.)
Sirhi. - See birdn. Parichh. --Delicacies given to Brahmans for the
Bukhrian. - Sweetmeats and clothes given to benefit of departed souls. (Dera Ghazi Khin.)
those from whom tambol is received at a Parna. - Marriage. (Dera Ghazi Khân.)
wedding, among Hindus, Patra.- A plank of wood or a stone on which &
Sung'ani. - Lit., a thing heard. The news of a corpse is washed. (Dera Ghazi Khân.)
death, on hearing which the women gather toPatyi. - The flowers, rice and a dandran, or stick
gether to perform the siápá, or mourning,' and for cleaning the mouth and teeth, placed in
the men sit apart together on a blanket. Relafront of the house on the shrddhd day by tives and friends are expected to pay a visit of Hindus. (Dera Ghazi Khan)
condolence, but must be dismissed after a short Phul pankhrt, an insignificant offering.
time to make way for others. Also jana'unt. Pirydjan.- Equivalent to mundan, 9. v.
satra. - A string worn on the wrist by Hindu Pishkark. The worship and recitation of man
women: a kind of silver bracelet. (DerGhazt trds by the Brahmans of both parties when the Khân.) bridegroom arrives at his father-in-law's house
Takhtt- The case in which a rakh (...) is (Dera Ghâzi Khân.)
enclosed. Equivalent to chauki, q. v. Pr&n. - Soul (Sanskr.).
Tarajwan. -The third visit of the bride to her Pránt. - A corpse. (Dera Ghazi Khan.)
father-in-law's house. (Said to be connected Para. - Sugar sent among Hindus by the hus
with tre, 'three.') band's family to his wife in the fifth month of Tawia. - See naqah. pregnancy. Also sweet bread roasted in ghi. Than.- A place where evil spirits are supposed (Dera Ghazi Khân.)
to play. (Hindus.) Paran.-Burial, among Muhammadans.
Thandri. - Lit., cold. A festival held in Bhådôn, Rakh. -A piece of paper on which figures or Hindu women prepare cakes, sweets, and salt words are written in small squares by gurtis
bread the day before, and on this day, taking & or spiritual guides to ward off evil, among
small quantity of these things, go to worship Hindus. Almost every child has a rakh en. Sitlå Mata in a mandar or Brahman's house. closed in a copper, silver, or gold case, chankt Only stale food is eaten on this day, nothing or takhti, usually worn round the neck.
fresh being cooked. This is believed to protect Rit. -The ceremony of cutting the hair of a children from small-poz. (Ferozepur.)
child for the first time. It is considered sinful | Tal-wetra. - A ceremony at marriage, when salt to cut it before this ceremonial cutting. Some is placed in the hands of bridegroom and bride. families do it on the completion of the child's (Ders Ghazi Khân.) fifth year, but the time varies. If a second Totka. - A rite to get rid of a disease or other child be born before the rit of the first bas evil, or to cause it to an enemy. E. g., if a been performed, then the rit of both is per. man has fever, he rises very early and goes to formed before they are five years old.
a pípal tree, which he embraces. By so doing Ritan. - Pl. of rit, custom. The first or chhoti he transfers the fever to the tree.
ritan is held in the fifth month of pregnancy, Uchhar. - A cover or quilt. The covering put when salt food (pakaurá) is placed in the on the Granth Sahib by the Sikhs. A conwoman's lap Gh611) and distributed to the nected word is achhard, or achhar, the cloth brotherhood and relations. The second or bart spread over the body of a Muhammadah when ritan in the seventh month, when sweetened carried to the grave. It is usually given to rice is similarly distributed.
the grave-digger as his wage. Ropna. - Betrothal. Cf. sagát.
Vishat. - Of. sagát.