IMAT, 1904.
स्वतसर्वस्वस्य जन्मभूमिः श्रौतस्मातकर्माचरणस्य समुच्चाठनमन्त्रः कलिमहाग्रहस्य कीर्तिपताका शाहसार्वभौमस्य सकलसगुणसमप्रोज्यं विदामः प्राप्तो मम दिष्ट्या दृष्टिगोचरताम् ।। इति धर्मविजये प्रथमस्तबकः॥
Dharmavijayachampûkávya by Bhůminatha-Kari.
Dr. Burnell, in identifying this village with the town of Tanjore in his Tanjore Catalogue, p. 21a, has evidently fallen into a mistake. He had not perhaps facilities for knowing that the benevolent Raja Sahaji I. caused a Brahmaņical village to be founded on the banks of the river Kaveri, on a site best fitted for the performance of the religious ceremonies of the Brahmaņas, and called it after his own name Sábajirâjapuram. The boundaries of the village on all its four sides have been thus mentioned in the gift-deed by the Râja: - Vêppattúr on the east, Tribhavanam on the south, Maņañjêri on the west, and Anakkudi on the north. Further, Tanjore does not appear to have been known by any secondary name at any time. An indirect proof of this fact is furnished by the following passages :
तल तजापुरं नाम राजस्थानमनुत्तमम् । राजानः प्रथितास्तल भोसलीयान्ववायजाः ॥
Hiranyakésiyasútravyákhyána, composed in A. D. 1815 by Vaichhesvara.
अथ कविवषःपुष्पैर्गन्धोत्तरैरधिवासितं सुचरितसुधापूरं शाहप्रभोर्बुधजीवनम् । श्रुतियुगपुटेनास्वाद्यानन्दबन्धुरितान्तरः सकुतुकमसौ धर्मस्तञ्जापुरीं समुपागमत् ॥
Dharmavijayachampikavya, chapter 2, verse 1. अम्लानाभिरपास्तरज्जुनहनक्लेशाभिरम्भोरुहलग्भिः सौधजुषामपाङ्गजनिभिः सश्लाघमेणीदृशाम् । आयुष्मानघुनाथभूमिपरिणीरभ्यर्चितो भूयसा संजातप्रमदो बलेन निरगात्तञ्जापुरीतो बहिः ॥ तत्तादृशे काचन चोलदेशे रमानटीनर्तनरङ्गशाला । तजापुरी नाम दरी हरीणां धराभुजां राजति राजधानी ॥
Sahityaratndkarakdvya by Yajñanarayana-Dikshita,
son of Govinda-Dikshita, the prime-minister of Achyuta-Nayaks and of his son RaghanathaNayaka of Tanjore.
Again, in attributing the authorship of the Janakipariņayanafaka to Chokkanátha, Dr. Burnell is far from correct. Probably he misconstrued the following line which is found in it, 'सोऽवं दीव्यति चोकनाथमखिनामक्रीतमासः कविः" meaning, "ho-the non-in-law of ChikkanathaDikshita-is the famous author of this work." He seems to have mistaken अक्रीत for अकृत
• Soo sleo verso 3 of the extraot from Venkattivar Kari's Unddimighandu quoted below.