(MARCH, 1904.
Pingle and Nilopant, his two Brahman advisers, orderly and loyal, but extravagant and fond of he reminded them, that while all Musalman show. They send their children to school and places of trust held by Brâhmans had been given hold their own in spite of the competition of up without a struggle, those held by Prabhus Brahmans and other non-writer classes." had been most difficult to take, and that one of Valuable, therefore, to ethnographiste may be a them, Rajpuri, had not yet been taken. They are study of the family godlings, who have clung to generally richly and most carefully and neatly the family altars of the Hindus through generadressed. They are hardworking, hospitable,' tions and through many stages of evolution.
NOTES AND QUERIES. NICK NAMES OF VILLAGES AND FAMILIES food made from this mixture is called Idst or IN KURRAM, GIVING DOUBTFUL TRACES tarw in Pashtu. A family in Paiwår had many OF TOTEMISM.
sparrows' nests in their house and so their AMONG the Tari and Bangash Tribes there are descendants are now called Chanchanri Kol: several septs which derive their names from chanchanrå in Pashtu means a sparrow. A somo act or incident, of which Boniewbat village in Shingak is called Khowaro Kalai bepuerile accounts are often given. Such are the cause the villagers did not feast their guests Magak Khêl or Rat Sept in Dôparzài, so called there one night : khowar means poor. A village because their first ancestor was once sitting in near Kunj Abzai is called Sbibi Kalai: shiba Ajirga, and seeing a rat (magak) running about means a shower: during the Afghan rule the he killed it. The Gidar Khel, whose ancestor Mughals used to attack the Tari villages, and this killed a jackal (odar). The LÔwa Kolor Wolf village, being the first in their way, was 80 Family' of the Musthu Khê, whose ancestor constantly besieged that it became known as once killed a wolf with his stick. The Kunriak Shibi from the attacks showered' on it. Kolor Ant Family' in Paiwar, so named A woman of a family in Shalozân' once made a because their beds contained many of those shirt for her child from cloth which was then insects when a guest was once stopping at their
used by Hindus only: a Hindu in Kurram is house. The Parkbart family in Zeran, 80 called always called chdchd, and so the family is now because their ancestor once shot at a bird, and, called Chacha Kól. Another family in Shalozan, though he missed it, boasted that he had knocked from their constant quarrels. is called Shaukh some of its feathers out. The Spagan Kol or Kol: shaukh means bad-tempered. A third
Lice family,' 80 nick named because their beds family in Sbalozán is called Pat Kol: pdt means were full of those insects. The Soian KOI, 80one who does not do things thoroughly: the called because their ancestor once declared that founder of the family was a big malik, but any he had been 100 hares when out shooting, but dispute referred to him by the people was never meeting with no credence he reduced the number properly settled and so he was called Pat and his to 50 and finally to one, and so his descendants
family Pát Kól. are called the Hare Sept' to this day. The Span
A village is called Ghalo Kalai: ghal' means Khôl of Malânå, so named because a man of a
thief, because its inhabitants were all thieves poor family once killed a dog belonging to a rich
during the period of the Afghan rule. one, whereupon the rich family demanded a
A family in Kaj Kina is called Kharporån Kol: damsel from the poor one in compensation, and
kharporiin means 'donkey-like': the founder of her descendants are still called the Dog Sept.' The Dagh Kalai hamlet of Sbingak Village, 80
the family once got a nail stuck in the sole of his
foot, but instead of taking it out he walked home named because its founder only gave the work
and there showed it to his wife ; she found that men rice with very little ghi in it when he built the hamlet. The Urkhari Kalai, so called because
he had a big nail stuck in his foot and so called
him donkey: since then the family is called its founder only gave his workmen urkhort (a
Kharporån Kol. kind of vegetable) when he built it.
These derivations are specimens of Pathan A village in Shingak is called Tarwo Kalai be- bumour rather than attempts to account for cause its inhabitants used to mix tarif with the
relics of totemism. food given to their guests : tarwf is water
H. A. Ross mixed with cards (called dohf in Urdu), and the Simla, 6th August 1903.
1 When a little ghi is boiled and put into rice, broth, &c., it is onlled dagh. · Sbalozen is a very ancient place, and was once called Sankuron apparently.