[VOL. XXX Survey of India, Western Cirole, 1906-07, p. 28; and Bhandarkar's List of Insoriptions of Northern India, No. 689. The insoription is as yet unpublished; but the Progress Report of the Archæological Survey, referred to above, gives the following information regarding its findspot and contente: ." In the vicinity and in front of the Aohalēsvara temple are standing some ancient temples, mostly Vaishnava, the exterior of which is profusely soulptured with erotic figures. At the back is a stepwell, which, as the inscription attached to it tells us, was constructed by Mokala and others in Samvat 1387 varshë Māgha sudi 3 Bhārgava-dini when Sarvēsvara maha-munindra was the high priest of the Achalēsvara maha-matha and king Tējasimha was reigning at Chandrăvati ". The date of the insoription corresponds to Friday, January 11, 1331 A.C.
The inscription consists of seventeen lines of writing. The relevant portion of the record (lines 4-15) reads as follows - 4.......
........BVasti srl-Arbuda5 || mahābailē sri-Achalēšva(sva)ra-mahāmathāt paramabhatýāraka-paramamāhāsvarah(bvara)
para- 11 6 | niramjanaḥ(na)-kamdarpadarpadalana-svavamsaüdyot(söddyota)kara-raja-bri-Sarvesva(sva)
ra-mahāmunidra(ndra)-vi- || 7 jayarājyē |sat=īty=ēvam kālē pravarttamānē sati Chandrāvatibhūmamdalē samastara
jāva-. 8 || lisamalarksita-paramamāhēsvaskva)ra-parāchinavastopalakshita--param(rama)brahmä(hma)
laksha- !! 9 || prasädāva(vä)pta-raja-bri-Tēja[h* Jsi(si)ńha-vijayarājyē || tasmin kālā varttamānē | bri-Vape-|| 10 || känvayakulapradipa-ripudāvadāvānala-ripula[la*)nāvaiva(dha)yyadi(di)kshäguru-kalika- [11*] 11 || labhinavakalpapádapa-sadāsim(sam)bhudhyānarata-rāja-bri-Batha-suta-Mokala-G[7](G5)hilo- || 12 || tra ta(a=ta)thā Saschya]shēlā-thakura[h*) l' kuma(mā)ra-Suhadasala ta(s-ta)tha Simgäradē
(vy=U)tima-suta-Vikala[b*) puna[b*) ! 13 || pavadyam(dyām) Gē(Go)hilotra-Mökala udhāram kāräpitamo || Sri-Achalēsvara-pra[s]ādēnal
samvat CID 14 | 1387 'Varshē Māgha-sudi 3 Bhārgava-dinē Satabhishă-nakshatrē kumbhasthē chamdrē prarti
shţā[1 15 || kärăpitam || subham bhavata ||........
It will be seen that the language of the inscription is corrupt, although in many parts it can be quite easily corrected. The most important persons mentioned in the record are of course three : (1) Paramabhaftāraka-paramamahasuara Raja-tri-Sarvesvara-mahāmunindra of the Achalesvaramahämatha on the Arbuda-mahāsaila (i.e., Mount Abu), described in lines 4-7; (2) Samastarājāvalīsamalakrita-Paramamāhēbvara Rāja-bri-Tējaħsimha of the Chandrāvati-bhūmandala, described in lines 7-9; and (3) Göhilötra Mökala (described in lines 9-12 and mentioned in lino 13) who belonged to the family of Vapaka, i.e., Bappa, and was either himself a Rājan or was the son of Rāja-sri-Batha. Mõkala was no doubt a subordinate of Tējahsimha ; but whether the
The meaning of this defective passage is not clear. • The darda is superfluous.
• The context soems to roquire here something like etait ...... käritam. The word udhora is not Sanskrit. Mr. A. K. Vyas suggests to me that the intended reading is udhara (Sanskrit uddhara) used in the sense of . repair'. Pavadi seems to stand for Hindi baurl, step-well.
• Read pratishtha karita.