291 5 [pūrval-prāntam yāva[t*] hasta-saha[sräņi) dvätrim(trim)sar 32000 [dvätrimsalo-sahasra
chat, shkam ka(?)* makaravāhini (nä]" 6. ma kaly[ām] apakrishya (Rēvānso?J'mala nāma atavyä[m] abhinava-[Ma]karapur-akhyam
pattanam kitam || 7 yävasch(oh-cha)nde-särka)-prithvi (pitsi-māțri-kalatraj" sarva-sattv-opa käraṇam kesitam=
Om. Hail! In the year 47, on the 13th day of the bright half of Pausha in the prosperous reign of Paramabhaffäraka Mahārājādhiraja Paramisvara Patoladēva Shahi, the illustrious Nava-Surēndrādityanandidēva, born in the lineage of Bhagadatta, Makarasimha, the great lord of the elephants (mahāgajapati), the chief minister (mahāmātya), the great lord of the feudatories (mahāsāmantādhipati) and the chief of the army at Giligittă (Giligitta-Sarāṁgha), who belongs to the Kāñchudi clan and is constantly devoted to the feet of the great Shāhi lord, has founded, in the forest, Rēvāngömäla(?) by name, the city called the new Makarapura, after putting a dam in the stream named Chat. shkarka(?) (of the length of) one thousand cubits (hastas) extending to the eastern limit of the village of Hätūna in the district (vishaya) of Haņēsarā, (the city extending over ?) thirtytwo thousand hastas(3)10
(Let this last) so long as the moon, the sun and the earth (last). This is done for the welfare of the father, the mother, the wife and all beings.
1 The reading of the first two letters in this line is not certain. The first lettor looks like mra on the tracing but may be read as sra in the photograph. The letters präntar acom to be clear on the photograph. The intended reading may be pūrva-prantam.
On the photograph there seems to be a letter before ia which looks liko ta. But the tracing does not show any sign of such a letter. Obviously this is due to a defect in the rock.
The reading of these three letters is not certain. Due to cracks these are illegible on the photograph. The tracing is not certain either. Elsewhere in this record enumeration in words proceeds that in figures.
The reading of these lettere is not certain. The first seems to be a cha from the photograph. The second syllable is certainly s t in conjunction with another letter which is uncertain. The third syllable seems to be certainly shkam. The fourth letter looks like a ka on the photograph but on the tracing it looks quite different. This was obviously the name of the stream. Can this be the ancient name of the Ishkuman river or one of its tributarios ? [The reading seems to be hasta-chatushk[a*]t. The preceding four akaharas, read as duatrimdasa, ar doubtful. Chatuakha means a tank' from which the newly excavated canal called Makaravahint (Makaraud. Ninf-nama-kulya) was taken out to the forest. The meaning of the word apakrishya, literally having drawn out, hoe boon misunderstood by the author.-D.C.S.)
On the tracing, this letter looks like ra. • Sandhi has not been observed here.
* The reading of these three letters is uncertain. The photograph clearly shows three letters of which the first looks like re. The second letter may be ud or dha. The third is a conjunct of which ad is certain but not the first component which I havo tentatively read as 1. [Tho reading seems to be [Kha]n80° Read mala-nam-a favydm. -D.C.8.)
. Not clear in the photograph. (The reading soems to be varttamana-k[a]lat-cha(n=cha).-D.C.S.). . Read Opakārārtham.
10 I am not at all certain of the meaning of this portion. Does 32,000 indicate the expenses ! But one would have expected, in that case, the mention of some kind of coins. Does it read, after 32,000, Dindra ! But in Kashmir
Dinara was & copper coin of a very small value. (For the meaning of the Kashmirian Dinndra, see Stein, op. cit., Vol. II, pp. 308 ff. For the reading and meaning of the passage, see note 4 above.-D.C.8.]
11 For the reading of the passage, we note 8 abovo-D.0.8.