[Vol. XXX Among geographical names, the fragmentary record under study mentions only das-adika pura, i.e. Dasapura which was the ancient name of modern Mandasör.
TEXT1 ........[vatātē]na garutma-ratha-yāyinā /* trailõky-am[a]...." 2 ......pāņinā l[18] Jitvā ripu-balam samkkhë(khyē) ramyam pura[**] das-adi.....
...... [na]ra-vyāgghrē narēndr-Adityavarddhanē ||[2*] Asīn=Māna........10
.... 11 varddhaṇaḥ(nahl) Rāshtravarddhana(na)-sat-putrah(trā) Yasögupto nar-ā...." [3*] 5 ...." (nūljēna ści-mahārāja-Gauriņā || [4*] Yasya mātāmahaḥ śr[i]. ... 15 6 .. '[pratā]pavān"? [l*) Haris[ū]r=ēti vikkhyātā janani cha pativra[t]ā ||18 [5*] 7 .... samāsādya taptvā tapam-anuttamaṁ(mam 1) datvā(ttvā) dānam dvijābhya[b] .,20 8 .... 21 divaň=gatā ||[6*) Yēna k[ū]pās=tatākāni maņdapās=cha manī[harāḥ 122] 9 .... vșiddhyartha[m] grāmēshu nagarēshu cha 22 [7*] Tēn=ėdam nagar-ābhyā[sē] 10 .... osvșiddhayē |22 khānitam(ta)s=sa[rvva-satvā(ttvā)nāṁnsukha-pēlyo ja]lā....26 [8*) 11 ...... prada .... t=ēva mātā-pitro .......
1 From impressions.
Read Jitam bhagavata. There was probably the Sidham symbol at the beginning of the record before Jitam.
* Read garutmad-rathao * This stop is indicated by a slightly curved horizontal stroke. . About four aksharas are damaged here. • We may suggest Vishnunà chakrapanina.
This stop is indicated by a double danda. • Read daé-adikam |
We may suggest pålayati or prasāsati.
10 The reference is to the family name given as Māņavāyaṇi in the Chhoti Sádri insoription. But the reading Mänavāyaninām, although tempting, does not appear to be supported by the traces of the damaged aksharas. The reading intended may have been Mänava-götrasya.
1 The akshara before va may be sya. 13 Read nar-adhipah ! 18 We may suggest something like tasyanēna tanijëna. 14 This stop is indicated by a danda with its upper part curved towards the loft. 16 The word seems to be sriman.
16 The letters of the name of king Gauri's maternal grandfather are lost with the exception of traces of the last akshara which may be ntah.
If The half n is incised above the line. 16 This stop is indicated by a slightly curved horizontal stroko. 1. May we suggest a word like vaidhavyasi=chu or värdhakyan=cha ? 30 One akshara (8à ?) seems to be lost here. 11 About four aksharas are lost here. 1 This stop is indicated by a slightly curved horizontal stroke. 23 We may suggest karitā punya-vriddhy-arthan. * Read tẽn qua ả. * We may suggest mätub puny-abhivriddhaye. 2 Read jalāsayah!