Bhagavati Sūtra Bk. 3 Ch. 1
जिमियत्तत्तरागए वि य णं समाणे आयंते चोक्खे परमसुइब्भूए तं मित्तं जाव... परियणं विउलेणं असण- पाणखाइम - साइम - पुप्फ-वत्थ-गंध-मल्लाऽलंकारेण य सक्कारेइ सम्माणेइ तस्सेव मित्त-णाइ जाव... परियणस्स पुरओ जेट्ठपुत्तं कुडुबे ठावेइ ठावेत्ता ते मित्त-णाइ जाव... परियणस्स जेट्ठ पुत्तं च आपुच्छर आपुच्छित्ता मुडे भवित्ता पाणामाए पव्वज्जाए पब्वइए ।
Having resolved thus, next day, at day break, with the sun blazing hot, he made a bowl out of wood; and having done so, he prepared sufficient food, drink, dainties and delicacies ; and having prepared these, he took bath, performed expiatory and propitiatory acts of offering, touched holy objects and invoked auspicious omens and practised atonements, put on clean and pure clothes suitable for auspicious occasions, decorated his body with ornaments that were light but costly, and then on the arrival of dinner time, he came to the dinner shed and sat comfortably on an excellent cushion. Thereafter he sat to dinner with his friends, relatives, kinsmen, subordinates valets and maids, tasting and specially tasting food, drink, dainties and delicacies, feeding others and eating himself; and when the dinner was over, he cleaned his hands and his mouth, and honoured his friends, ...till maids with sufficient food, drink, dainties and delicacies, with flowers, clothes, perfumes, wreaths, ornaments, and having honoured them, having respected them, in the presence of his friends, relatives, ... till maids, installed his eldest son to the headship of the household; and having done so, he sought the permission of his friends, relatives, ...till maids, and of his eldest son; and having obtained their permission, he tonsured his head and joined the holy order named Prāṇāmā.
पव्वइए वि य णं समाणेइ मं एयारूवं अभिग्गहं अभिगिहइ - कप्पइ जावज्जीवाए छट्ठछट्ठेणं जाव... आहारितए त्ति कट्टु इमं एयारूवं अभिग्गहं अभिगिues अभिगिoिहत्ता जावज्जीवाए छट्ठछट्ठेणं अणिक्खित्तेणं तवो कम्मेणं उड्ढं बाहाओ एगिज्झिय परिज्झिय सुराभिमुहे आयावणभूमीए आयावेमाणे विहरइ छट्ठस्स वि य णं पारणयंसि आयावणभूमीओ पच्चोरूहइ पन्चोरूहित्ता सयमेव दारुमयं पडिग्गहं गहाय तामलित्तीए णयरीए उच्च - णीय- मज्झिमाई कुलाई घरसमुदाणस्स भिक्खायरियाए अडइ सुद्धोयणं पडिग्गाहइ तिसत्तक्खुत्तो उदएणं पक्खालेइ तओ पच्छा आहारं आहारेइ ।