Bhagavati Sūtra Bk. 6 Ch. 5
तुरियाए जाव... देवगईए वीइवयमाण वीइवयमाणे जाव... एकाहं वा दुयाहं वा तियाहं वा । उक्कोसेणं छम्मासे वीईवइज्जा अत्येगइयं तमुकायं वीईवइज्जा अत्येगइयं णो तमुक्कायं वीइवएज्जा एमहालए णं गोयमा ! तमुक्काए पण्णत्ते ।
Q. 61. Bhante!
What's the shape of tamaskāya ?
A. 61. Gautama! At the base, it is stated to be of the shape of an earthen lamp, and at its crest, it is like the cage of a cock.
Q. 62. Bhante! What are stated to be its length and breadth ? What's its circumference ?
A. 62. Gautama! (Tamaskāyas are) stated to be of two types, which are, those with restricted extensity and those without restricted extensity. Now, those which have a restricted extensity have dimensions (i.e., length and breadth) of a limited (number of) thousand yojanas, and a circumference of an unlimited (number of) thousand yojanas. Those which have an unrestricted extensity have dimensions of an unlimited (number of) thousand yojanas and a circumference of an unlimited (number of) thousand yojanas.
Q. 63. Bhante! How big is the tamaskāya ?
A. 63. Gautama! At the centre of all isles and seas is this isle named Jambudvipa, till stated to be so much in circumference. Supposing a god with great fortune, till great influence takes 21 rounds of this isle named Jambudvipa within a time-limit no bigger than the time taken in saying thrice 'I go', 'I go', 'I go'. If such a god moves out at the speediest and quickest pace... till (best pace) possible for a god, and if (at this pace) he walks for a day, for two days, for three days, ... till six months, then, he may have covered some portions of the tamaskāya, while some other portions of it he may not have covered. Gautama! So big has been stated to be the tamaskäya.