Word Index Bk V
f-with possession or property. (136)
-without middle-a characteristic of matter which has an odd number of pradesas (space-points). (117) 3-long-lived śramana. (14)
-smallest unit of time called samaya which is not further divisible. (10)
fa-to kill. (137)
सय्याय रपिंड - food prepared for a householder in whose house a monk stays. (103)
far-channel connecting two tanks. (141)
afafa-in one's own field. (107)
-all-knowing. (179)
af-all-seeing. (179)
-to pay, to deposit consideration money. (95) 3-with a life-span. (42)
-oceanic, concerning the sea. (26)
with endeavour.
-with reinforcement. (155)
साहरइ, साहरित्तए, संहरमाणे - to remove or transfer from one womb to another. (56)
eg-lead. (37)
q-gg-for long and wholesome life. (93) —while attending, with due attention. (59) सुहुम, सुहुम- परिणए - fine, made fine. (57, 127 )
g-with throb. (126)
-with withdrawl. (155)
सोवचया सावचया - with reinforcement and withdrawal. (155) हेउ- -cause. (142)
Harwinter. (12)