-spring, fountain. (148) -to pull up with all energy. (76) 341-name of a motion. (18) उप्पइयपुब्विं - formerly gone up उप्पयणकाले—while moving up. (65)
( 55 )
3-to cross, to go to the other side. (104) 3-having made. (17) उक्त्थडे ---
-cover with. (3)
—while falling down. (65)
Bhagavati Sūtra
3a9fof-will be born. (20)
-hall of Genesis (where Indra is born). (11)
4-overlooking, neglecting. (17)
stream, rivulet. (148)
-concern, restlessness. (147)
उसिणेउसिणब्भूए—-became enraged and agitated. (57) fg-making wholly empty, turning upside down. (81) ऊसिओदयं - raised. (93)
-going in one direction like a flag. (94) . एग-पोग्गल - णिविट्ठ-दिट्ठिए— with eyes fixed on one matter. ( 57 ) f-fever on alternate days. (147)
-throb, tremble. (75)
ओहय-मणसंकप्पे—with his mental resolve shattered. (65) ओहि, ओहिणा - by dint of avadhi knowledge. (18) -with arm-pits sweating. (57)
gulcer in arm-pit. (147)
affe-a heavenly phenomenon. (146) afa-purchase and sale. (149) करयलपरिग्गहियं — with folded palms. ( 11 ) कल्लाणफल-वित्तिविसेसो - auspicious outcome. (17) 3-a standard or measure of time. (60) -physical, activities of the body. (67) (dark as) mid-night. (57)