Bhagavati Sūtra
9701&aru—activity leading to slaughter. (67)
TUTHIC 99571-a penance named Prāņāmā. (17) 474ECGTİ-—thumping with legs. (57) arfsstraforat—activity generating torture. (67) faET-plug, close. (81) façora TATT—cause (one) to be bitten. (78) gagaff--of former foe. (12) qoqpitEth-of former companion. (42) TIETOTU--previously performed. (17) 465-to pace. (76) of thoi-name of an weapon, parigharaļna. (57) Fosfatigatahti-red like kimśuka flower. (57)
SETT-clouds. (96) TEST-thick, strong. (108) afeyoure-complete. (11) arogata701–by penance of the ignorant. (18) art—it has been said. (12) ator-sharp exchange of words. (147) 979-117-1-in a voice trembling with fear. (57) 994528 atroaiet—inherent enmity. Fafafer-to be perfected in this life. (33) ofag--fit to be born. (103)
rfaqc1-advanced soul. (85) 79-HTÆTTIE-vast and dreadful figure. (67) Taitei-a disease. (147) TTTT-fistula. 15 TTT-diseases of a mandala. (147) HET -little rain, drought. (148) 997-Maghavan, god of clouds. (57) HESTIAT--shower of garlands. (14) FAAT fa53-burns (to ashes). (81) HETT-costly, dear. (149)