Word Index Bk. V
STOUTHOOTITE91-knots tied to one another. (41) BOUT HOOTITE4 TITS-on account of expanse of one another. (41) BTOOTHOUT TEUTATETTATC-on account of expanse and heavi
ness of one another. (41) 3TOUTATOTTGART-on account of togetherness. (41) अण्णमण्णभारियत्ताए-on account of heaviness of one
another. (41) 3Toutati-others like this. (92) 37TTÀ -śruta knowledge coming from within. (68) BATET-Ardha-Māgadhi language-a mixture of Māgadhi
and Prākst, half-Māgadhi. (64) 3195À-without pradeśas (space-points)—an attribūte of
matter. (117) 3TTFTTTT—not mature. (72) 379134715 - due to a short span of life. (90) 37919goi-prohibited, impure. (90) 36799i-far from true, untrue. (60) TOHOTOTIC-on being permitted. (59) faxatgene te-in the inner half of the Isle named Puşkara,
within the mountain belt. (21) faforogcent—to make. (82) afThet-face to face. (59) 3f3735—to play, to enjoy. (58) 3H5E-without the middle-an attribute of matter with an
even number of predases (space-points). (117) sf-unlimited. (79) 379U-a measure of time consisting of three seasons of two
months each, half-year. (13) *H4-perfect, all-knowing. (84) affogo-to tell a lie about something that is or exists. (101) araefog-fixed. (14) 24hnura-insult. (58)