सुंवेग बंधइ -- tied with rope.
सुक्कत्ताए - forming semen.
सुचिण्णाणं सुपरिक्कंताणं - well performed and performed with
exertion. (17)
-only rice. (18)
fa-very great. (53)
Bhagavati Sūtra
goalfag-with intellect readily available. (27)
-good rainfall.
(148) -cremation ground. (149)
ff-having no trace of existence. (57) gafa-environment of the sun. (146) -eclipse of the sun. (146)
-causing grief. (78)
-lake, tank. (81)
सोहम्मं कप्पंi-a heaven named Sudharma-kalpa. (47) 4f44-with delight at heart. (57)
-neighing of the horse. (57)
aft-piles. (147)
-silver mine. (149)
fzfz-fafz-afafg-devoid of humility and grace. (57) हीणपुण्ण चाउद्दसे - born with low merit on an inauspicious (incomplete) 14th. day of the fortnight. (57)
हुअवहअइरेगतेयदिप्पंत — with a brightness much
greater than
that of fire. (57)