Bhagavati Sutra
ddhayā sådhu-praņidhänena yat sacetanamacetanaṁ kriyate acetanam va pacyate ciyate vă grhädikam vayate vă vastradikaṁ tadădhākarma
[When a live object is deprived of its life for the sake of a monk, a non-live object is boiled, a building is erected, cloth is woven (all for the use of a monk), such acts become adhakarma.]
Also included in adhākarma are racitaka (reshaping or remaking of food), kritaksta (buying), sthăpita (storing), etc.
29. Tbree words used in the Sutra need explanation :
alika-To make a false statement about what is not, e.g., to say that a monk practices not the vow of celibacy when he is perfectly celibate.
asadbhuta-To make a false statement about what is, e.g., to call a monk a thief when he is not.
abhyakkhyāna-To make a false attribution in the presence of others about one who is perfectly free from blemish.
30. Molecules (electrons) are the smallest part of atom which can neither be divided, nor crushed or powdered. In case of a cluster of molecules (skandha), they can be divided when they are of a coarse variety, but cannot be so divided when they are fine.
31. When skandhas have an even number of pradeśas, say two, four, six, etc., they are said to be sardha and amadhya. When they have an odd number of pradeśas, they are said to be samadhya and anardha. Skandhas with limited, unlimited and infinite pradeśas may have either an odd number or an even number of prad śas.