Notes Bk. III
7. Normally attainment regarding expression and attainment regarding mind are counted as two separate attainments so that the total would be six. But in the case of the infernal beings and of celestial beings, the two aforesaid attainments may be combined into one, as here, by some great sage. This is not normally allowed. Cf.
iha tu pañcadhá bhäşā-manah-paryāptyor-bahuśrutabhimatena kenäpi karanena ekatva-vivakşanåt
It is a case of what is called vivakşā or exception.
8. The commentator writes :
laddhe tti janmāntare tadupärjanäpekṣayā patte tti prăpta devabhavā pekṣayā abhisamannāgae tti tad-bhoga'-pekṣayā
(Laddha is something carried forward from previous life. Patta is something carried forward from celestial life. Abhisamannagaya means that the objects are at one's disposal so that one is free to use them.]
9. Another difference is that iśānendra exercises suzereignty over 28,00,000 vimănas, 80,000 Sāmānika gods and 3,20,000 Body-guard gods.
10. The celestial abodes (vimānas) in different heavens and Sāmānika gods therein have been as follows :
Saudharma Išāna Sanatkumāra Mähendra Brahmaloka Lantaka Mahāśukra Sahasrāra Añata-Prāṇata Ārana-Acyuta
vimäna 32,00,000 28,00,000 12,00,000 8,00,000 4,00,000 50,000 40,000 6,000
84,000 80,000 72,000 70,000 60,000 50,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 10,000