Bhagavati Sūtra Bk. 5 Ch. 1
A. 10. Yes, Gautama, it is so. When the rainy season starts its first time-unit in the southern region of the isle named Jambūdvipa...till in the time-unit just following.
Q. 11. Bhante ! When the rainy seasson starts its first time-unit in the east of Mount Meru in the isle named Jambudvipa, then it starts also its first time-unit in the west ; and when it starts its first time-unit in the west, then, does the rainy season start its first time-unit in the north and the south of Mount Meru in the time-unit just preceding ?
A. 11. Yes, Gautama, it is so. When the rainy season starts its first time-unit in the east of Mount Meru in the isle named Jambudvipa,...till in the time-unit just preceding.
What has been stated of the first time-unit of the commencement of rainfall has to be repeated about avalikā, .ānapana, stoka, lava, muhurta, day night, fortnight, month and season3.
प्रश्न १२ - जया पडिवज्जइ... ?
[ on winter, etc. ]
णं भंते ! जंबूददीवे दीवे हेमंताणं पढमे समए
उत्तर १२ - जहेव वासाणं भाणियव्वो जाव... उउए । भाणियव्वा ।
अभिलावो तहेव हेमंताण वि गिम्हाण वि एवं तिण्णि वि एएसिं तीसं आलावगा
प्रश्न १३ - जया णं भंते ! पढमे अयणे पडिवज्जइ तथा णं
जंबूद्दीवे दीवे मंदरस्स पव्वयस्स दाहिणड्ढे उत्तरड ढे वि पढमे अयणे पडिवज्जइ ?
उत्तर १३ - जहा समएणं अभिलावो तहेव अयणेण वि भाणियव्वो जाव... अणंतरपच्छाकडसमयंसि पढमे अयणे पडिवण्णे भवइ ।
जहा अयंणेण अभिलावो तहा संवच्छरेण वि भाणियव्बो जुएण वि वाससएण वि वाससहस्सेण वि वाससयसहस्सेण वि पुव्वंगेण वि पुव्वेण वि