Bhagavati Sūtra Bk. 5 Ch. 6
Q. 94. Bhante ! Some of the earthen wares of a seller have been stolen. Bhante ! He then starts a search for them. In doing so, does he incur activities due to endeavour, to possession, to deceit, to non-renunciation or to perverted faith ?
A. 94. Gautama! He incurs activities due to endeavour, to possession, to deceit, and to non-renunciation ; but as to activity due to perverted faith, he incurs it sometimes and sometimes he incurs it not. While searching, if he recovers the stolen wares, then all these ( aforesaid ) activities become light (i. e., get reduced in significance ).
Q. 95. Bhante ! A seller has sold some earthen wares ; a buyer has bought them in consideration whereof he has paid a margin in advance, but he has not yet taken delivery of them. In such a situation, does the householder incur from these earthen wares activities due to endeavour,...till perverted faith?
A. 95. Gautama ! In such a situation, the householder incurs activities due to endeavour,...till due to non-renunciation ; but as to activity due to perverted faith, he incurs sometimes, and sometimes he does not incur. As for the buyer, all these activities are light.
Q. 96. Bhante ! From the seller, the buyer has brought the earthen wares to his home. Then, Bhante, which of the activities due to endeavour,...till perverted faith are incurred by the said buyer ? And which of the activities due to endeavour,... till perverted faith are incurred by the said seller ?
A. 96. Gautama ! The buyer incurs four activities in a heavy dose, exception being activity due to perverted faith. If the buyer is with a wrong outlook, then he also incurs activity due to perverted faith; but if the buyer has no wrong outlook, he does not incur it. For the seller, all these (activities ) become light.