भगवती सूत्र शः ६ उ: ३
प्रश्न ३४ - णाणावरणिज्जं किं सण्णी बंधइ असण्णी बंधइ णोसण्णीगोसणी बंधइ ?
उत्तर ३४- गोयमा ! सण्णी सिय बंधइ सिय णो बंध | असण बंबइ | णोसण्णी - गोअसण्णी ण बंधइ । एवं वेयणिज्जाउयवज्जाओ छ कम्मप्पगडीओ वेयणिज्जं ट्ठिल्ला दो वंधति उवरिल्ले भयणाए आउयं हेट्ठिल्ला दो भयणाए उवरिल्ले ण बंधइ ।
प्रश्न ३५ - णाणावर णिज्जं कम्मं किं भवसिद्धिए बंधइ अभवसिद्धिए बंध णोभवसिद्धिय - गोअभवसिद्धिए बंधइ ?
उत्तर ३५ - गोयमा ! भवसिद्धिए भयणाए अभवसिद्धिए बंधइ । गोभवसिद्धिय णोअभवसिद्धिए ण बंधइ ! एवं आउयवज्जाओ सत्त वि आउयं हेठिल्ला दो भयणाए उवरिल्ले ण बंबइ ।
प्रश्न ३६-- णाणावर णिज्जं कम्मं किं चक्खुदंसणी अचक्खुदंसणी ओहिदंसणी केवलदंसणी ?
उत्तर ३६ - गोयमा ! हेट्ठिल्ला तिष्णि भयणाए । उवरिल्ले ण बंधइ । एवं वेयणिज्जवज्जाओ सत्त वि । देयणिज्जं हेट्ठिल्ला तिणि बंधंति । केवलदंसणी भयणाए ।
Q. 33. Bhante ! Does one with right outlook bind karma enshrouding knowledge? Does one with wrong outlook bind ? Does one with mixed outlook bind ?
A. 33. Gautama! One with right outlook sometimes binds and sometimes does not bind. One with wrong outlook binds. So does one with right-wrong outlook. Like this is to be known of the seven types of karma, the one binding life-span excepted. One with right outlook and one with wrong outlook sometimes bind karma giving life-span and sometimes do not bind. One with right-wrong outlook does not bind.
Q. 34. Does a being with mind (sangi) bind karma enshrouding knowledge ? Does a being without mind (asañigi) bind? Does one not-with-mind not-without-mind bind??