भगवती सूत्र शः ६ उः ४
and the perfected
non-unrestrained non-restrained-unrestraine souls take three forms.
Beings with passions take three forms. For one-organ beings, no form. Leaving aside one-organ beings, those with anger take three forms. The celestial beings take six forms. Leaving aside one-organ beings, those with pride and attachment take three forms. The infernal beings and the celestial beings take six forms. Leaving aside one-organ beings, those with greed take three forms. The infernal beings take six forms. Those without passions and the perfected souls take three forms.
Those with worldly knowledge, with mati knowledge and with śruta knowledge take three forms. Those with two- to four-organs of senses take six forms. In avadhi knowledge, manah-paryāya knowledge and kevala knowledge, three forms. Those with worldly ignorance, mati ignorance and fruta ignorance, leaving aside one-organ beings, take three forms. Those with vibharga knowledge take three forms.
Those with activities (yoga) are to be taken to be similar to the mundane beings. Those with activities of mind, speech and body take three forms with this exception that the oneorgan beings have only one activity which is the activity of the body, and these take no definite form. Those without activity are similar to those who are without tinge.
Leaving aside the one-organ beings, those with cognition and those without it take three forms.
Those with the experience of suffering are similar to those who are with passions. Those with the experience of femalehood, of male-hood and of impotenthood take three forms, exception being the impotent one-organ beings who take no definite form. Those who are without the experience of suffering are similar to those who are without passions.
Those with bodies are similar to mundane beings. For those with gross body and fluid body, leaving aside one