Bhagavati Sütra Bk. 5 Ch. 8
sārdha, samadhya and sapradeśa. Arya! If, as phenomena, all pudgalas are sārdha, samadhya and sapradeśa, then, matter which is one-time black should be sārdha, samadhya and sapradesa. If, however, in your opinion, they are not so, then, your assertion that all pudgalas as substance; as place, as time and as phenomena, are sārdha, samadhya and sapradeśa, and are not anardha, amadhya and apradeśa will be wrong.
Whereon monk Nāradaputra said as follows to monk Nirgranthiputra :
Oh beloved of the gods! I know not this meaning, nor see this. If this causes not pain unto thee, oh beloved of the gods, to give me the meaning of this, then, from thee, who are the beloved of the gods, I would like to hear and know this.
तएण से नियंठिपुत्ते अणगारे णारयपुत्तं अणगारं एवं वयासी :
दव्वादेसेण वि मे अज्जो ! सव्वे पोग्गला सपएसा वि अप्पएसा वि अनंता । खेत्ता देसेण वि एवं चेव कालादेसेण वि भावादेसेण वि एवं चेव । जे दव्वओ अपए से से खेत्तओ णियमा अपएसे कालओ सिय सपएसे सिय अपए से भावओ सिय सपएसे सिय अपए से । जे खेत्तओं अपएसे से दव्वओ aिय सपए से सिय अपएसे कालओ भयणाए भावओ भयणाए । जहा खेत्तओ एवं कालओ भावओ । जे दब्वओ सपए से से खेत्तओ सिय सपएसे सिय अपसे । एवं कालओ भावओ वि । जे खेत्तओ सपए से से दव्वओ णियमा सपएसे कालओ भयणाए भावओ भयणाए । जहा दव्वओ तहा कालओ भावओ वि ।
Whereon monk Nirgranthiputra said as follows to monk Nāradaputra :
In my view, as substance, all pudgalas are with pradeśas as also without prade sas. They are infinite. As place, as time, as phenomena, too, they are like that. When, as substance, pudgalas are without pradesas, then, as place, too, they are, as a rule, without pradesas. As time, they are sometimes