भगवती सूत्र: शः ५ उ: ८
भाणि वड ढंति हायंति जहणणेणं एक्कं समयं उक्कोसेणं आवलियाए addeaguri aqzfauroi ei erford i
152-Beings with one organ of sense increase, decrease and also remain constant. For all the three states, minimum is one time-unit, and maximum is innumerable portions of an ävalikā. Beings with two organs increase and decrease like that. As to their constancy, minimum is one time-unit, and maximum is less than two times 48-minutes (i.e., less than two antarmuhurtas). And like this with beings, till with four organs of senses. Other living beings, too, increase and decrease like that; but as to their state of constancy, the differences are as follows:
(i) animals with five organs of senses and not born of the mother's womb-2 antarmuhurtas;
(ii) animals with five organs of senses and born of the mother's womb-24 muhurtas ;
(iii) men not born of the mother's womb-45 muhurtas ;
(iv) men born of the mother's womb-24 muhurtas;
(v) Bāpavyantaras, Jyotiskas and gods in the Saudharmakalpa and Isana-kalpa-48 muhūrtas ;
in Sanatkumāra-18 day-nights 40 muhūrtas ;
in Mahendra-24 day-nights 20 muhurtas ;
in Brahmaloka-45 day-nights;
in Lantaka-90 day-nights;
in Mahāśukra-108 day-nights;
in Sahasrara-200 day-nights;
in Aṇata and Prāṇata-a limited number of months; in Arana and Acyuta-a limited number of years.
Like this in the n'ne Graiveyakas. The state of constancy in Vijaya, Vaijayanta, Jayanta and Aparajita extends over innumerable thousand years. In Sarvarthasiddha, the state