भगवती सूत्र शः ५ उ: ७ (३) पंच हेऊ पण्णता तं जहा–हेउं ण जाणइ जाव...अण्णाणं मरणं मरइ।
(४) पंच हेउ पण्णत्ता तं जहा-हेउणा ण जाणइ जाव...हेउणा अण्णाणमरणं ति मरह।
(५) पंच अहेउ पाणत्ता तं जहा-अहे जाणइ जाव...अहे केवलिमरणं मरइ।
(६) पंच अहेउ पण्णत्ता तं जहा–अहेउणा जाणइ जाव...अहेउणा केवलिमरणं मरइ।
(७) पंच अहेउ पण्णत्ता तं जहा-अहेण जाणइ जाव...अहेउं छउमत्थमरणं मरह।
तं जहा-अहे उणा ण जाणइ जाव...अहेउणा
(८) पंच अहेउ पण्ण्ता छउमत्थमरणं मरह।
142. (1) Causes have been stated to be five, which are, knowing cause, seeing cause, respecting cause, well-acquiring cause and dying the death of a chadmastha ( with right outlook ) linked with a cause.
(2) Causes have been stated to be five, which are, knowing by cause,...till dying the death of a chadmastha (with right outlook) by a cause.
(3) Causes have been stated to be five, which are, not knowing cause,...till dying the death of the ignorant (with wrong outlook) linked with a cause.
(4) Causes have been stated to be five, which are, not knowing by cause,...till dying the death of the ignorant (with wrong outlook) by a cause.
(5) Non-causes have been stated to be five, which are, knowing non-cause,...till dying the death of the omniscient linked with a non-cause.