भगवती सूत्र शः ५ उः ६. life. The animals whose bodies have provided fodder for the bow are also touched by five activities starting with the physical. The arc of the bow is touched by five activities, its string by five ( activities ) its sinews by five (activities ), the arrow by five (activities), the sara, patra, phala and sinews by five (activities).
Q. 100. Bhante! When the arrow, due to its weight, its heaviness, its weight-and-heaviness, starts falling downward in its natural course, the said arrow, in the course of its downward movement, kills certain prānas, bhutas, jivas and sattvas,...till deprives them of their life. In this case, how many activities touch the man who shot the arrow ?
A. 100. Gautama ! When the arrow, due to its weight, etc., starts falling down,...till deprives them of their life, the man who shot it is touched by four activities starting with the physical, and the animals from whose body-parts the bow has been made are also touched by four activities, the arc is touched by four activities, the string by four activities, the sinews by four activities, (but) the sara, patra, phala and sinews are touched by five activities. The animals afflicted by the falling arrow are also touched by five activities.
[ on heretical tenets ] प्रश्न १०१-- अण्णउत्थिया णं भंते ! एवं आइक्खंति जाव...परूवेंति -से जहा णामए जुवई जुवाणे हत्थेणं हत्ये गेण्हेज्जा चककस्स वा णाभी अरगाउत्तासिया एवामेव जाव...चत्तारि पंच जोयण-सयाइं बहुसमाइण्णे मणुयलोए मणुस्सेहिं-कहमेयं भंते एवं ?
उत्तर १०१-गोयमा ! जं णं ते अण्णउत्थिया जाव...मणुस्सेहिंतो जे ते एवं आहंसु मिच्छा। अहं पुण गोयमा ! एवं आइक्खामि एवामेव जाव...चत्तारि पंच जोयणसयाई बहुसमाइण्णे णिरयलोए रइएहिं ।
प्रश्न १०२-णेरइयाणं भंते ! किं एगत्तं पभू विउवित्तए पुहुत्तं प्रभू विउवित्तए ?
उत्तर १०२-जहा जीवाभिगमे आलावगो तहा णेयन्वो जाव...दुरहियासे ।