भगवती सूत्र शः ५ उः २
___A. 36. Gautama ! The hard substance in rice, pulse, etc., by virtue of its original state, belongs to ( the species of ) flora-bodies ; but when these (objects) are subjected to a machine or implement and transformed by a machine or implement, when they are roasted, when they are deprived of their original state by fire, when they are treated with fire and transformed by fire, they are to be treated as firebodies. The liquid stuff in wine that flows away belongs, by virtue of its original state, to ( the species of ) water-bodies ; but when it is given a machine treatment,....till transformed by fire, it is to be treated as a species of fire-bodies.
प्रश्न ३७-अह णं भंते! अये तंबे, तउए सीसए उवले कसट्टियाएए णं किं सरीरा इ वत्तव्वं सिया?
उत्तर ३७-गोयमा ! अये तंबे तउए सीसए उवले कटिया-एए णं पुव्वभावपण्णवणं पडुच्च पुढवी जीवसरीरा तओ पच्छा सत्थाईया जाव... . अगणिजीवसरीरा इ वत्तव्वं सिया।
Q. 37. Bhante ! Iron, copper, zinc, lead, coal and ironsheet—to which species do these belong ?
A. 37. Gautama ! Iron, copper, zinc, lead, coal and iron-sheet belong, by virtue of their previous state, to the species of earth-bodies ; but after these have been burnt, these become part of fire-bodies.
प्रश्न ३८-अह णं भंते ! अट्ठी अल ज्झामे चम्मे चम्मज्झामे रोमे रोमज्झामे सिंगे सिंगझामे खुरे खुरज्झामे णखे णखज्झामे-एए णं कि सरीरा इ वत्तव्वं सिया ?
उत्तर ३८-गोयमा ! अट्ठी चम्मे रोमे सिंगे खुरे पहे-एए णं तसपाणजीवसरीरा। अज्झिामे चम्मज्झामे रोमझामे सिंग-खुर-णहज्झामेएए णं पुव्वभावपण्णवणं पडुच्च तसपाणजीवसरीरा। ता पच्छा सत्थाईया जाव...अगणि त्ति वत्तव्वं सिया ।
Q. 38. Bhante ! To belong :. bone, burnt
what categories do the following bone, skin, burnt skin, pore-hair,