Bhagavati Sūtra Bk. 5 Ch.4
प्रश्न ६८-से किं तं पमाणे ?
उत्तर ६८-पमाणे चउव्विहे पण्णत्ते । तं जहा-पच्चक्खे अणुमाणे ओवम्मे आगमे । जहा अणुआगदारे तहा यव्वं पमाणं जाव...तेण परं णो अत्तागमे णो अणंतरागमे परंपरागमे ।
Q. 65. Bhante ! Does the omniscient know and see one who will terminate ( his karma bondage ) and who holds his final body ?
A. 65. Yes, Gautama, he knows and sees.
Q. 66. Bhante! The omniscient knows and sees the terminator of karma bondage and the holder of the final body ; does in the same manner a monk liable to lapses know one who will terminate his karma bondage and who holds his final body ?
A. 66. Gautama ! This is not correct. He knows by hearing and when there is some supporting proof.
Q. 67. From whom does he hear, pray ?
A. 67. He hears from someone who is omniscient, who is omniscient's male follower, who is omniscient's female follower, who is omniscient's male 'worshipper, who is omniscient's female worshipper, from someone who is selfenlightened, his male follower, his female follower, his male worshipper, his female worshipper,-by hearing from anyone of) these.
Q. 68. And what about the supporting proof ?
A. 68. Supporting proof is stated to be of four types, which are, perception, guess, inference ( from similarity ) and scriptures. On this, refer to details contained in the Anuyogadvāra Sūtra ...till “beyond this, no ātmāgama, no anantaragama, (only) paramparāgama”:17.