Bhagavati Sūtra Bk. 5 Ch. 1
have a span which is less than 18 muhurtas ? And when in the west the day has a span which is less than 18 muhurtas, then, in the north and the south of Mount Meru in the isle named Jambūdvipa, does the night have a span of more than 12 muhurtas ?
A. 7. Yes, Gautama, they are so...till more than 12 muhūrtas.
And in this order, (the day ) is to be reduced. (and night increased) : When the day is 17 muhurtas, the night is 13 muhur tas : when the day is less than 17 muhurtas, the night is more than 13 muhurtas ; when the day is 16 muhurtas, the night is 14 ; when the day is less than 16 muhurtas, the night is more than 14 ; when the day is 15 muhūrtas, the night is also 15 ; when the day is less than 15 muhurtas, the night is more than 15 ; when the day is 14 muhurtas, the night is 16; when the day is less than 14 muhurtas, the night is more than 16 ; when the day is 13 muhûrtas, the night is 17; and when the day is less than 13 muhūrtas, the night is more than 17.
Q. 8. Bhante ! When in the south of the isle named Jambūdvipa, the maximum span of the day is 12 muhurtas, then, is it so in the north too ? And when it is so in the north, then, in the east and the west of Mount Meru in the isle named Jambūdvipa, does the night have a maximum span of 18 muhûrtas ?
A. 8. Yes, Gautama, it is so, and like this is to be stated,...till the night has a maximum span of 18 muhurtas
Q. 9. Bhante ! When in the east of Mount Meru, the day has a maximum span of 12 muhurtas, then, in the west, too, is it so ? And when in the west, too, it is so, then, in the north and the south of Mount Meru in the isle named Jambūdvipa does the night have a miximum span of 18. muhurtas ?