भगवती सूत्र शः ५ उः १
Q. 4. Bhante! When in the south of the isle named Jambudvipa, the maximum span of the day is 18 muhurtas (18×48 minutes), then in the north also, is the maximum span of the day 18 muhurtas, and when in the north the maximum span of the day is 18 muhurtas, then in the east and the west of Mount Meru in the isle named Jambudvipa, is the maximum span of the night 12 muḥurtas2 ?
A. 4. Yes, Gautama, when in the south of the isle named Jambudvipa,...till the maximum span of the night is 12 muhurtas.
Q. 5. Bhante ! When in the east of Mount Meru in the isle named Jambudvipa, the maximum span of the day is 18 muhurtas, then, in the west, too, does the day have a maximum span of 18 muhurtas ? And when in the west, the day has a maximum span of 18 muhūrtas, then, in the north of the isle named Jambudvipa, does the night have a maximum span of 12 muhurtas ?
A. 5. Gautama! It is so,...till the night has a maximum span of 12 muhurtas.
Q. 6. Bhante! When in the south of the isle named Jambudvipa, the day has a span of less than 18 muhurtas, then, in the north, too, does the day have a span of 18 muhurtas? And when in the north of the isle named Jambudvipa, the day has a span of less than 18 muhurtas, then, in the east and the west of Mount Meru in the isle named Jambudvipa, does the night have a span which is more than 12 muhurtas ?
A. 6. Gautama, when in the south of the isle named Jambudvipa,...till the span of the night is more than 12 muhurtas.
A. 7. Bhante ! When in the east of Mount Meru in the isle named Jumbudvipa, the day has a span which is less than 18 muhurtas, then, in the west, too, does the day