भगवती सूत्र शः ५ उ१
Q. 2. Bhante! When it is day in the southern portion of the isle named Jambūdvipa, is it also day in the northern portion ? And when it is day in the northern portion, is it night in the east and the west of Mount Meru in the isle named Jambūdvipa ?
A. 2. Yes, Gautama, when it is day in the southern portion of the isle named Jambudvipa,...till it is night, etc.
Q. 3. Bhante ! When it is day in the east of Mount Meru in the isle called Jambūdvipa, is it also day in the west ? And when it is day in the west, then, is it night in the north and in the south of Mount Meru in the isle named Jambūdvīpa ?
A. 3. Yes, Gautama, when it is day in the east of Mount Meru in the isle named Jambudvipa,...till it is night, etc.
[ measure of day and night ] प्रश्न ४-जया णं भंते ! जंबूदीवे दीवे दाहिणड ढे उक्कोसए अट्ठारसमुहुत्ते दिवसे भवइ तया णं उत्तरड्ढे वि उक्कोसए अट्ठारसमुहुत्ते दिवसे भवइ जया णं उत्तरड्ढे उक्कोसए अट्ठारसमुहुत्ते दिवसे भवइ तया णं जंबुद्दीवे दीवे मंदरस्स पुरत्थिम-पच्चत्थिमे णं जहण्णिया दुवालसमुहुत्ता राई भवइ ? ___ उत्तर ४-हंता गोयमा ! जया णं जंबूद्दीवे जाव...दुवालसमुहुत्ता राई भवइ ।
प्रश्न ५-जया णं जंबद्दीवे मंदरस्स पुरत्थिमे उक्कोसए अट्ठारसमुहुत्ते दिवसे भवइ तया णं जंबूद्दीवे दीवे पच्चत्थिमेण वि उक्कोसेणं अट्ठारसमुहुत्ते दिवसे भवइ जया णं पच्चत्थिमे णं उक्कोसिए अट्ठारसमुहुत्ते दिवसे भवइ तया णं भंते ! जंबूदीवे दीवे उत्तरे दुवालसमुहुत्ता जाव...राई भवइ ?
उत्तर ५-हंता गोयमा ! जाव...भवइ ।
प्रश्न ६-जया णं भंते ! जंबूदीवे दीवे दाहिणड्ढे अट्ठारसमुहुत्ताणतरे दिवसे भवइ तया णं उत्तरे अट्ठारसमुहुत्ताणंतरे दिवसे भवइ जया णं उत्तरड्ढे