46 .
भगवती सूत्र श: ३ उः २ उत्तर ४१-गोयमा! जाव...अहे सत्तमाए पुढवीए तच्चं पुण पुढवि . गया य गमिस्संति य।
__ प्रश्न ४२-किंपत्तियं णं भंते ! असुरकुमारा देवा तच्चं पुढवि गया य गमिस्संति य?
उत्तर ४२-गोयमा ! पुन्ववेरियस्स वा वेदणउदीरणयाए पुव्वसंगइस्स वा वेदणउवसामणयाए एवं खलु असुरकुमारा देवा तच्चं पुढवि गया य गमिस्संति य।
Q. 40. Bhante ! Do the Asurakumāras have the ability to go below their own abodes ?
A. 40. Yes, they have.
Q. 41. Bhante ! How far beneath their own abodes they are capable to go ?
A. 41. Gautama ! ... till the seventh hell, (though they have never gone that far, never go that far, nor will they ever go that far); but till the third hell, they have gone, they go, and they will go.
Q.42. Bhante! What is the reason for this that the Asurakumāras have gone, go and will go till the third hell ?
A. 42. Gautama ! The Asurakumāras have gone, go and will go upto the third hell to torture their former foes and to help reduce the pain of their former friends.
प्रश्न ४३-अत्थि णं भंते ! असुरकुमाराणं देवाणं तिरियगइ विसए.. पण्णते?
उत्तर ४३-हंता अत्थि।
प्रश्न ४४-केवइयं च णं भंते! असुरकुमाराणं देवाणं तिरियं गइविसए पण्णत्ते ?