Bhagavati Sutra Bk. 3 Ch. 3
75 प्रश्न ७१-पारियावणिया णं भंते ! किरिया कइविहा पण्णत्ता ? __ उत्तर ७१-मंडियपुत्ता! दुविहा पण्णत्ता। तं जहा-सहत्थपारियाबणिया य परहत्थपारियावणिया य।
प्रश्न ७२-पाणाइवाय किरिया णं भंते! कइविहा पण्णत्ता? .
उत्तर ७२-मडियपुत्ता! दुविहा पण्णत्ता। तं जहा-सहत्थपाणाइवायकिरिया य परहत्थपाणाइवायकिरिया य।
__Q. 67. activities ?
Bhante !
How many have been stated to be the
A. 67. Manditaputra ! Activities have been stated to be five, which are, physical, instrumental, hatred-born, and those arising from torture and slaughter14.
Q. 68. Bhante ! How many have been stated to be the types of physical activities ?
A. 68. Manditaputra ! Two types, which are, anuparatakāya-kriya or activities of a body which is not desisted and duşprayukta-kaya-kriya or activities of a body which is illdirected (usually that of an infatuated-restrained)15.
Q. 69. Bhante ! How many have been stated to be the types of instrumental activities ?
A. 69. Manditaputra! Two types, which are, samyojanādhikarana-kriyā or activities necessitated to assemble, and nirvartanādhikarana kriyā or activities necessitated to manufacture.
Q. 70. Bhante ! How many have been stated to be the types of hatred-born activities?
A. 70. Manditaputra ! Two types, which are, born of hatred towards soul, and born of hatred towards non-soul.