Bhagavati Sūtra Bk. 3. Ch 3
Q. 79. Bhante ! Does a living being not tremble always in a measured way,...till does he not always get transformed accordingly ?
A. 79. No, Manditaputra, not always does a living being tremble in a measured way, ...till not always does he get transformed accordingly.
Q. 80. Bhante ! When a living being does not always tremble in a measured way,...till does not always transform accordingly, does his activity before exit become his final activity ?
A. 80. Yes, it does.
Q. 81. How does it happen ?
A. 81. Manditaputra! When a living being trembles: not always in a measured way,...till not always transforms, he does neither disturb, nor resolve, nor torture, he employs. not himself in disturbing, resolving and torturing ; and when he does not disturb, nor resolve, nor torture, nor engages to disturb, to resolve, to torture, he does not become instrumental in causing grief to prāna, bhūta, jīva and sattva... till in making them unhappy17.
से जहा णामए केइ पुरिसे सुक्कं तणहत्थयं जायतेयंसि पक्खिवेज्जा से णूणं मंडियपुत्ता! से सुक्के तणहत्थए जायतेयंसि पक्खित्ते समाणे खिप्पामेव मसमसाविज्जइ? - -हता! मसमसाविज्जइ।
से जहा णामए केइ पुरिसे तत्तंसि अयकवल्लंसि उदयबिंदुं पक्खिवेज्जा से णूणं मंडियपुत्ता! से उदयबिंदु तत्तंसि अयकवल्लंसि पक्खित्ते समाणे खिप्पामेव विद्धं समागच्छइ ?
-हंता विद्धं समागच्छइ।
से जहा णामए हरए सिया पुण्णे पुण्णप्पमाणे वोलट्टमाणे वोसट्टमाणे समभरघडत्ताए चिट्इ ?